Are all JW illustrations done by the same person? I have always been somewhat surprised at the quality of them - I have seen children's books with more compelling and moving pictures (the Enormous Turnip brings tears to my eyes) - I know I'm being critical but its almost bedtime and I can't help it hehe.
Why are JW illustrations so bad?
by Qcmbr 26 Replies latest jw friends
Here's a little story about the Art Dept..
Hi Valis, wow that was quite a story - half of me want sto believe it and the other half of me hopes that this isn't a real reflection of life at Bethel.
here are some more in case you didn't run accross them..
It's real.
I believe the story.
Read the other parts, too. Very, very interesting.
btw the author of the first acrticle I posted is seven006 here on the board..
Oh my gosh darn golly. I'll take it as this being true then. You know for along time I've thought how similar my faith is to JWs in many respects (especially organisationaly) but this just takes the biscuit. Why does anyone stay at Bethel????????? I appreciate the nightmare that is shunning and so on but this is beyond belief.
lol, what can you expect from an org that would disapprove of art school?
The artists don't get paid all that well I guess.
The term "Starving Artists" takes on a whole new meaning, doesn't it.