I have never understood why ''sisters'' are not permitted to wear trousers - what is the thinking / reason for this? In Western Society, trousers have been an accepted part of a woman's wardrobe for MANY years - both casually AND formally. How can it be deemed ''inappropriate'' for a ''sister'' to wear a very smart trouser suit?
JWs and Clothing
by the_classicist 36 Replies latest jw experiences
or some tight little low riders with their thongs showing....
I would have to agree with you.
I don't think women got it easier, I remember the hem line wars, then it was dress's or shirts that were to form fitting, neck lines that were to low, ot lord forbid you were blessed with big boobs, you have to hide them no matter what, for a time long dress's with big slits were in and this was frowned upon and we were criticized for wearing to much makeup, jewelry or have a sexy looking hair do. I felt that being made to wear skirts to the kh was demeaning, but I still love to wear them as long as their short enough that I can not bend over.
I think it depended on what congregation you went to. When I grew up, I attended a very strict hall, and there is no way anyone was going to get away with "immodest dress," guy or girl.
But, yes, at the district assemblies, when you had many congregations all mixed together, you would get much more variety, and yes, there were some hotties out there, dressed to kill. However, I never heard of them being accused of being "strong in the truth."
The witnesses here on Maui are having a ball. The men wear often no ties in service or at the hall. The women wear tropical things, but I will say they are modest. From what I understand, when you give a talk is when a tie is mandatory, but you can do that with no coat on and simply a short sleeve shirt.
But then I have seen some on the nude beach too,, so go figure.
I was constantly getting told off in the snidiest possible ways. The PO's wife strolled up behind me and caustically whispered to me very loudly that "oh dear your skirt has shrunk", with absolutely no humour. It was on the knee for god's sake! Except when I sat down and hitched as high as possible!
Another time I remember was when I was helping clean the stadium before the district convention back in 89 and got counselled for my ripped jeans.
The first things I bought when i got out were some denim cut offs, fishnet tights, thigh high leather boots and a see through black top and walked past the KH at chucking out time! hehe!
Country Girl
Seems like there was a thread on this board at one time where someone told of a "screen" being put up around the stage so that the brothers would not be "tempted" to look up the sisters' skirts, and be stumbled, as they did their skits. I'm sure many a brother "stumbled" while trying to look up a sister's skirt, or down her blouse blouse. You have to keep your eye on the prize, after all.
Our congregation was pretty liberal, so we were allowed to wear somewhat shorter skirts when they were in, in the 70's. Our younger people were pretty well dressed, but still, pants for women were totally out. I wasn't even allowed to wear pants to school until I was in high school, and then not JEANS. All the kids were wearing 501's, so I was a real freak. There were even some really pretty girls in our hall in the early 70's that dared to come to the Kingdom Hall in skirts and NO STOCKINGS! Just tanned, pretty long legs, and beatifully pedicured feet with those platform sandals. heheheh. Drove all the menz nuts. I don't know if they were ever talked to or not, but I guess not because they kept doing it. However, my Mother did once mention that they were weak in the truth. Gee, she knows their salvation status based on how they dressed. How nice. Prolly some of them apostles wore dresses and had beards.
Guess you can't get away with wearing a dress and having a beard, too, in the Kingdom Hall. Can't have your cake and eat it, too.
One time I brought a Bible study to an assembly and she could not understand why the women were dressed as if going to a ball.
I belonged to a foreign circuit and the sisters were always dressed to kill. Lots of chiffon and lace and sequin .
She wore a bikini when she was baptized, too, and do you think anything was ever said to her? No!
Wow. My area was militant about adherence to dress codes. No one would be allowed in the baptism pool without a thigh-length t-shirt over the bathing suit, and there's no way you could wear a bikini underneath. A sista was stationed in the changing room to check out our suits and t-shirts to make sure they were ok. If she didn't give it her ok, you couldn't get baptized!
I was on an assembly part once and had to bring in my clothes to the elders for pre-approval. Had to be a v-ee-rr-yyy long skirt, no slits, and it had to be full--no straight cuts.
I once got counseled for wearing a straight skirt that was knee-length (very business/professional-looking) out in service. A dub the same age as me told me I looked like a whore. I said, you are nuts, he turned me into the elders for not respecting his headship. (We were teenagers.) Then I was in trouble, both for wearing the skirt, and for not obeying the he-male dub. The elders said the fact that my skirt was red, was straight instead of full, and showed part of my kneecaps made it inappropriate.
Anyway, I think they're too lax about clothes. The Jews in the Bible had to wear unfashionable fringe to signify they were separate from the world. I think the dubs don't take that far enough. Why stop at suits and haircuts? Why not wear full-length robes and headcoverings all the time? I guess that would hurt recruitment efforts. :)
I did not matter what I wore. I was always looked down upon because I had BOOBS.