Maybe I'm dreaming, anyone out there willing to scan the book and sell the scan to us ex-non-elders? I would love to have a copy of the whole thing....I'm sure others would, too. I scour ebay, but no luck.
Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock book
by rebel8 35 Replies latest watchtower bible
You have a PM.
Thanks for the link, I have never read this before.
Book Quote "If he listens to them, showing true repentance, it may be
that he can be retained as a brother and thus be spared
being disfellowshipped." (Prov. 19:20; compare Matthew
18:15-17.) <----- I don't get this. Quite frankly it infuriates me.Dragonlady76
AK - Jeff
I must agree. Wouldn't repentance be a matter between the offender and God? Why would 'listening to them', meaning the elders, be a cause for granting the offender 'amnesty'.
Just a big power trip I think.
Didn't someone have the whole "Flock" book as a PDF file? --VM44
AK Jeff,
Power trip absolutely!
There is no way an elder can see inside the heart and mind of another, so how the hell do they now?
AK - Jeff
There must be a reason that Jesus said " stop judging, and you will by no means be judged; and stop condemning and you will by no means be condemned'. Luke 6:37 NWT
Of course you don't see that scripture quoted often in the watchtower, unless they are trying to get the R&F into line somehow - but never to the elders.
The quote from "Pay Attention " seems to be on p113. ( I have photo copied a few pages ) The topic heading on p111 says "Judging With Righteousness Wisdom and Mercy"
Yes, no doubt that elders are told to act as judges. whether this violates the principle of Jesus words at Luke 6 37, is a matter for you to decide. They would feel they are "Appointed" to act, and yes.. that is a power trip.
How did we judge repentance? Well if they said they were sorry and were not going to do it again and wanted to continue as a Witness, we believed them, provided their actions did not prove contrary.
looking back I am sorry that I sat so presumptuously, holding the power to affect peoples lives . I had worked out that we could only allow or bar their association with the congo, but I know that many elders really thought they had the power of salvation ... Thank God that I am out of it now