The "Elder" presiding on my so called judicial hearing was typical. When asked what I believed I declined answering, telling him that that was not why I was there as noone is disfellowshipped for the measure of faith they have or did not have. I reminded them they were not to be masters of my faith. He responded by nearly yelling out,"We are however JUDGES of your faith!" Funny I knew that was in practice what occurred inn many such judicial hearings but thought that they would somehow recognize what they were doing was arrogant and needlesssly hurtful.
Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock book
by rebel8 35 Replies latest watchtower bible
BTW word has it that a new Flock book is under way to be released for the next eldub school this winter. Don't have reliable confirmation of this yet. Reportedly it will be looseleaf style, but that too may change.
BTW word has it that a new Flock book is under way to be released for the next eldub school this winter. Don't have reliable confirmation of this yet. Reportedly it will be looseleaf style, but that too may change.
If this is true then we will have to see just how fast we can get a PDF version available for download!
I read much of the book last night. It was hilarious and disturbing at the same time. I read some of it to my husband, and we had some good laughs....especially the part where you are not allowed to touch your spouse's breasts or genitals for foreplay, only for intercourse itself. (If that isn't anti-women, I don't know what is!) The JC is supposed to ask enough questions to determine if porneia occurred. So, in other words, they are delving into your sex life! But it's not a cult....ummmm, right.
Then once the JC meeting is scheduled and the victim is a married female, her husband must be present so he can use his headship over her to get her to repent and promise to stop. (Again with the anti-women crap.)
The sections on how to deal with interested ones reads like a manual on how to inculcate and brainwash someone. First remove their ideas about the bible and life, then replace them with the troof, then help them to cut off all their relationships with others, then replace the lost relationships with jws.
Reportedly it will be looseleaf style
They ought to take that approach with the Watchtower too. Then they could change stuff whenever they wanted.
Oh wait, they do that anyway. Never mind...
(It's an odd sort of amusement that I get from reading through their book. Super secret, the rank and file aren't ever supposed to get a chance to thumb through it. So full of crap, and yet I know that this week, several people's lives are going to be horrendously changed at the hands of men wielding those very books. Funny, and sad.)
Rebel 8,
OMG I just read the part about touching of breasts & genitals, this is so stupid!
Obviously the GB doesn't want people to engage in foreplay, I do veiw that as anti-woman, how do they expect us to have fun and reach orgasm? Well they don't.
especially the part where you are not allowed to touch your spouse's breasts or genitals for foreplay, only for intercourse itself.
What?? Can't touch your "spouse's" breasts or genitals?
I know that touching naughty bits between unmarried people was wrong and punishable but not married people. Can someone verify that?
Obviously the GB doesn't want people to engage in foreplay, I do veiw that as anti-woman, how do they expect us to have fun and reach orgasm? Well they don't.
They just want us to be the "host" body for those babies that we aren't supposed to have because "the end is SO close"... but they secretly wish we will have babies so we can force them to become little dubs and increase their numbers. They are just WHACKED! Plain and simple.
BTW, Hi Rebel8! Fancy seeing you over here! (It's diana from the other board)
I am not sure what the deal is, I left the org at 17 so I missed out on that talk. I have read the WT site and it states that the (married couples) christians individual conscience will have to guide them in what they call "love play" and "caressess prior to intercourse, so my understanding of that is that they do not believe in foreplay as that would be manipulation of the genitals and or mutual masterbation. So maybe they really believe sex is wrong and only meant for procreation, but how are they going to enforce such a view on people? So in my opinion they just use control and guilt as much as possible in the marital bed and hope we don't have so much fun or pleasure, that way people will only use it to procreate.
I think you have the part about "uncleanness includes an intentional momentary touching
of sexual parts or caressing of breasts out of context here". This does not refer to married couples but comes under the heading of adultery, fornication and other forms of pornea.