This franchise has failed it's fans too many times. There was the Walker trade, the Tarkenton trade, the releasing of Dennis Green (A popular move back then, but now it's one of the dumbest things the team ever did.) the Micheal Bennet pick, the NFC North Title Game debacle, Demetrius Underwood, the cap-busting signings of Todd Steussie and David Palmer. I can go on.
The thing that brought us Viking fans hope was that Randy Moss made the team at least competative. (2 NFC Championship games, missing the playoffs only twice in his tenure, 3 division championships, the biggest wins in recent franchise history, a 30 point average when he played here, and plus sellouts and attention brought to the franchise)
Now we're back to square one, and a team that has screwed us over once again.
I've had it with this franchise. They can go to LA all I care.