mouthy - The 'up to no good' was meant in a nice way. You surprise m though as I assumed you were telling me off earlier on, in a nice way of course, for being too liberal!
Blondie and Ozzie - absolutely, the Elder window cleaner MUST go, but this has been omitted as hubby and me are both still big chickens and, because we've been fading we've avoided too much contact other than handing over the cash! Pair of mooses we are!
PrettyRed - I think you're winning on the 'having one HELL of a week score!'
Rebel8 - I couldn't agree with you more. We know her father from a long time ago. The most over bearing, obnoxious, bigotted oaf I've personally ever met. I feel very sorry for this girl. She didn't want to pioneer, she was forced out of her education and is bullied by her parents, but her father in particular. I was shocked myself to hear that her mother is also hit by her father. He doesn't hit her brothers because he'd probably get one back.
The reason I don't feel hopeful of her leaving 'the troof' is that members of her family, a lot of them, have been DF'd for all sorts of 'wrong doing' and regularly go back to dubland. Her whole family are JWs either in, going out or on their way back again. I hear what's happening at her home from my son and worry about directly broaching the subject of JWD with her, though my son is being coached on what to say. To be honest I despair of her situation. She really needs to leave home. But you know the JW opinion on that! And she is naturally afraid!