A while back, there was a discussion about DFing and asking the elders to remove records of yourself ever having been a jw, publisher records, etc. I responded that I didn?t believe there was a legal basis to force the records to be removed. I can't find the thread and don't remember who started it....whoever you are, here's some interesting info for you!
It does appear, though, that there is a rule made by the wts that allows records to be removed upon request. Last night, I came across the following quote in the elders? handbook (Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock, pg. 102):
If a baptized person insists that he does not want to be part of the congregation and requests that his name be removed from all our records, we should comply with his request. Since he takes such an adamant position, encourage him to put his request in writing. If he refuses to do this but states resolutely before witnesses his decision to disassociate himself and not be known as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, the witnesses to his statement would be asked to put this in writing and sign it. In all cases of disassociation, a committee would consider the evidence regarding the matter. If the person has definitely terminated his status as a member of the congregation, the elders will make a brief announcement of his disassociation. (w86 10/15 p. 31 ) The Society should be notified using the S-77 and S-79 forms. He would be viewed as one who has disassociated himself.