Addictions,, are they caused by a deep unfulfilled need for Spirtuality??

by frankiespeakin 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    I was watching a video "The Wisdom of the Dream" Volume 3 it's all about Carl Jung.

    In one part of the video it talks about addictions and brings up the fact that one of the men that started AA, was a man who was told by C. Jung that the only way for him to cure his addiction to alcohol was for him to have a religious experience,, he was also warn by Jung that if he didn't have a religios experience he would never cure his addiction. Jungs notes about this subject says: "Spiritus contra spiritum"

    So what do you think does spirtuality provide strenght needed to overcome addictions?

  • 144001

    No. Belief in pink unicorns, Zeus, god, or any other fictional being is not a prerequisite to beating addictions.

  • under74

    Nope. Don't believe it for a second.

  • Satanus

    This is an interesting subject. The human brain is wired for addiction. That is, the brain has receptors for many of the drugs that people commonly do. That means that, in certain situations, the body produces those drugs and we naturally get high. Spiritual experiences cause that as well.


  • kls

    Frankie i understand this post ,,,yippie,,,lol

    It is only replacing one addiction for another and in the mind of and addict they need something to fall back on .

  • JamesThomas

    If there is unawareness to our intrinsic wholeness within, then it makes sense that we seek out other means to experience -- at least for a short time -- some semblance of our natural peace and completeness. This could very well include drugs and well as many other things including religion, rape and murder.

    That said, there can also be a genetic factor within the physical makeup that could stimulate a hunger for drugs and other things.


  • frankiespeakin

    Jung said that(paraphrase),,"when we dismantled the gods of Olimpus we traded the gods for symptoms"

    Basically what he was saying is, spiritual ecstacy is a archetypal quality if not expressed ligitamitly it will pop up in it's symptomatic form. Jung sees spiritual ecstacy as a important psychological need that if unmeet will surface sooner or later in it's harmful form.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist
    So what do you think does spirtuality provide strenght needed to overcome addictions?

    Timothy Leary found that LSD and similar psycho-active agents had the power to un-print the brain and allow a re-imprinting to something more current, which was way circumstance in doing LSD is considered by those proficient, very important...

    deeply religious experiences seem to be linked to psychic breaks which are likely induced by a similar internal drug over dosing capable of re-setting the imprints acquired along the journey, mostly by accident and ignorance...

    I find that we are, more than anything else, driven by a desire to seek a solution to anxieties which arise within us... some of them are slow building and others are quite painful... but the orgasmic release associated with many drugs and sex is only a momentary relief and satisfaction from this constant inner hunger....the relentless gnawing of life for the elusive satisfactions we discover along the way...

    when someone hits upon a powerful bliss triggering agent, be it sex or drugs, it seems to lay down very powerful mental tracks so that anything associated near it will trigger a rememberance of it and drive you towards it

  • under74

    I don't belive in Jung. There may be something like "a god shaped hole" (I think Satre coined that?) but I think that this just boils down to a human lonliness.

  • JamesThomas

    "Spiritual ecstasy", if emotional, very well may be just a physiological or neurochemical episode, a phenomenal event.

    This is not what the word "spiritual", or "God" points to at all.


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