I am totally confused by the new way JW's will be kicked out of the WTS. Since they no longer will be classified as DF or DA can I get a refund on my DA and no longer be viewed as "satan" by my former JW friends and family. How will JW's know if someone is DF or DA if they are announced "no longer one of JW's? How will the elders refer to ex-JW's that are gone. Would it be something like "the artist formerly known as Prince"? I think they are going to shoot themselves in the foot. Because all of the DF and DA jws can now say with the new policy my DF or DA is void. Also will reinstatement be a thing of the past if no one is DF or DA? What about "public reproof" are they going to go back to saying so and so is on "probation" what is wrong with the society it seems it must be teetering and ready to crumble.
I am totally confused about the new "DF and DA" announcements for March 05
by booker-t 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm out of the loop. What is the new DF/DA announcement? Has it been released or is it being released on March 05? How did you find out about it? Is it in any of the JW publications?
These statements are in relation to "the big announcement" in the Feb km about a special event for all publishers on March 20th Sunday Meeting. The news heard here first is that a new book "Organized to do Jehovah's Will" a replacement for the "om" book will be released. It allegedly contains a "simplified" approach to announcing the DF/DA situation. Perhaps one of the computer savvy friends would be able to post a link to that thread, or you could search for it. It was less that a week ago.
Aye, the treatment is the same, the only difference is how it will now be announced.
That means that someone who DA's will get the same announcement as some one who "commits" fornication, or those rare cases of the ejection of a child molester.
It's will unify the brotherhood and allow a common approach to mindlessly despising all who leave, without partiality (coz God's not partial, doncha know)...
I thought at times (even before I read this post!!!! -- I am sorry to disapoint you people! Please don't hate me) that you were a bit too hard on the WTS changing it's policies.... BUT YEAH!!! I AM SO SICK OF THEM CHANGING THEIR POLICIES ALL THE TIME!!!!!! Why do they have to change things all the time! lol (histerical laughter.)
Don't you realise that you should be so thankful that the "light is getting brighter"??
Don't you realise that you should be so thankful that the "light is getting brighter"??
Ozzie, it's just too bad that the light is getting brighter only for those who step back and take a close look at the WTBTS in the light of 'new truths' about their deceptive and devious tactics.
Don't you realise that you should be so thankful that the "light is getting brighter"??
Maybe that's the problem, the light has got so bright that it is blinding everyone!