Men who lie with men.....

by cindykp 188 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts
    Candidly..maybe you can find a chubby little grampa?

    HA chubby grandpas drive corvettes and chase skinny 20 yr old blondes!

  • Dustin

    Hey Barney, did you ever stop to think maybe the Bible isn't inspired by God at all? Give me proof other than it says it is in 1Tim.

  • cindykp

    Went to the kh last week sunday. The talk was about whether the bible is the true word of God. Do you know how many religious leaders dont even believe it!

  • undercover
    Suppose a man in a wheel chair can have full use of his organ to produce a child with a woman, but lacks the ability to love or show emotion due to motor functions being disabled.

    What the hell are you talking about? "lacks the ability to love....due to motor functions being disabled"? Dude, love is an emotion, not a motor skill. Even disabled people, handicapped people can love, show love, receive love.

    edited: Saw your apology after posting. It's cool. We'll just agree to disagree and let it go.

  • Dustin

    It's all good man. You just need to tone it down a notch. I'm sure you're a good guy. You have a right to express your viewpoints.


  • GentlyFeral

    Barney Muldoon,

    it is a proven fact that homosexuality does spread disease.

    So does heterosexuality. Have you actually looked at any STD statistics?


  • Dustin

    Cindy, I know alot of religious leaders don't believe in the Bible. I have to say I really don't believe it either.

    There's just way too many inconsistencies in it to be inspired by God.


  • cindykp

    Dustin, sent you a message, did you get it? I dont really know if its true or not, I guess thats where faith steps in.

  • cindykp

    And Barney, this topic wouldnt be as fun if you werent in here!


  • Qcmbr

    I couldn't resist - though I know I'm in the minority here and will be flamed to toasty bits. I think homosexual activity is not right. Why - let me explain. I think the purpose of relationships of a sexual nature are to propagate the species. Multiply and replenish the earth. I think modern society (in accordance with just about all historical civilisations) is suffering from a surfeit of physical gratification - anything you want is yours (as long as your credit is good ;) We find that all forms of sexual experimentation increase as our basic needs are met and we are no longer responsible for fulfilling them (when was the last time you had to forage for food? - eating pizza the morning after amidst the beer cans doesn't count!!!) So society begins to twist what sex and more critically family life is for. Sex becomes not a means of having children but a means of pleasure for and of itself with its natural conclusion stopped (abortion , contraception and sterilisation are much more common now.) Relationships become very selfish - everyone starts to look for soul mates and the 'right' one (which of course means that homosexual behaviour is absolutely within remit.) Marriage is not required for this either and so society begins to reduce its dependance / encouragement of marriage. Net result many individuals floating in and out of relationships. This is where gay and lesbian life flourishes because in a world of gratification all ideas and senses are open for experimentation. Children are taught about sex earlier and earlier and when the school isn't pumping it out (I am not choosing my words well hehe) the music and media bombards kids and young people with sexual images and ideas constantly. That has an effect. People become confused about lots of things as they are given seemingly endless choices and sex is just another commodity to the world. Many people who think they are gay aren't full stop. There are some people who genuinely are gay - they feel an attraction for people of their own sex. There are some people who are fashionably gay. There are some people who are just confused and are trying things out. Why is this wrong - if we stop the noise of the world and think clearly and quietly - the most important thing in this world are our children. Children deserve a stable loving home with their biological parents ( blood really is thicker than water.) Where accident and tragedy deny kids this that is a harsh reality of life. Where adult decisions made in selfishness deny them this that is criminal. What has this to do with Homosexuaity? 1/ It is part of a liberalising force that is destroying families from all sides. 2/ It is confusing for our children to be exposed to it at a formative age. Many actively gay people are not gay. 3/ 'Homosexuality' in the west promotes a very sexually active / partner swopping lifestyle. - no stability. This is reflected just as much now in the heterosexual climate. 4/ Homosexuality is never seen as something wrong - in every other aspect of human life anything that involves an inability to meet a human biological goal is deemed as something in the medical domain. For some reason homosexuals have decided that they have nothing biologically wrong. I find that in startling agreement with paedophiles who see their desire as correct. Homosexuality is clearly as much of a debilitating mental condition as any of the other things like depression, schizophrenia etc.. This means that homosexuals are as valid as anyone else in society - cherished and accepted but they still have something that makes them want to do something wrong! What it is no one yet knows but there is clearly a chemical / genetic reason for it. 5/ For men at least it often requires sex in a way that makes me want to hurl - the body was not designed to do this. Homosexuality is very prevalent with men and unfortunately can be one factor in paedophilia - along with all the heterosexual wrongs (like porn.) 6/ Children are not produced by homosexual relationships without further artificial intervention. These children are growing up without parental relationships that they deserve - it is not teh right of the homosexual couple to deny children the right biology and nature (and God) gave them. There - flame away!!!

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