Where's Jesus?

by IP_SEC 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • IP_SEC

    Where?s Jesus?

    I?m really concerned about the Governing Body. What if they break an arm whilst patting themselves on the back all the time?

    We hear more about them and how great they are but little about Jesus and how important he is. I?m looking at the Memorial outline and there is little about Jesus, but a large section with the little flock/FDS. Quote: As part of the Kingdom arrangement, [the anointed] will channel untold blessings to obedient humans. Didn?t Jesus say keep doing this in remembrance of you guys?

    Just as egregious example of this is found in the March KM.

    Conducting Progressive Bible Studies

    ?Prayers at a bible study need not be lengthy, but they should be specific. Besides seeking God?s blessing on the study and giving thanks for the truths learned, it is fitting to give praise to Jehovah as the source of instruction. We can also include expressions that reflect our sincere interest in the student and our appreciation for the organization that Jehovah is using.?

    What? No mention of the head, king, ransomer, high priest? What about Matt 28:18? So we should praise and be thankful for this FDS, but not mention Jesus? Bullock! I?m kinda sick to my stomach now.


  • Honesty
    What? No mention of the head, king, ransomer, high priest? What about Matt 28:18? So we should praise and be thankful for this FDS, but not mention Jesus? Bullock! I?m kinda sick to my stomach now.

    Just another identifying mark of these blaspheming false prophets who twist the scriptures and label themselves as the faithful discreet slave.

  • Thinking

    I'm kinda sick to my stomach right now too!
    I wnt to the meeting this am, We had a visiting speaker, but he is from the hall I learned the truth in 20 yrs ago. The talk was on entertainment, and the counsel was strong on what we should and should not be doing and esp towards the youth. I was wishing once he would have mentioned how none of his kids(3) came in the truth. Probably from lack of entertainment.
    But all through his talk nothing sounded original, spontanious, heartfelt at all.
    And no wonder, we can't even pray without being told what to say. Every closing prayer from every elder sounds the same. Like thay are freaking scared to say anything that deviates from what everyone says and thinks. I would love to once hear.......Thank you for ending the meeting short today........now let's go eat!!!! sorry.....I am a bit ticked right now.
    The more I read the posts and now I am reading WT for today. I am sick of hearing about allegiance to the FDS and wonder if they really think about being like Jesus at all.

  • Wild_Thing

    Everything is scripted for the JWs now. EVERYTHING! Public are given from society outlines that you are not supposed to deviate from. Every meeting part is scripted. And door presentation are, of course, scripted.

    Is there ANY part of witness life that is not scripted?

  • IP_SEC

    I thinks for some, uh, most, there is a certain security in the scripting. I've been thinking about this alot. Yes every single meeting is scripted. Every talk is based on a WT article or WT outline.

    I know this is off the topic, but hell its my topic. Most bros when they give a talk are basically paraphrasing the article or outline the talk is based on. Gwd I hates that. The friends coulda read the material before the meeting and stay home and get the same spiritual guidance.

  • Thinking

    We are robots wound up daily......believing that missing a meeting will run our "battery" down and then we die.
    I think we must work harder on our 5 minute little parts than the elders do on theirs. I know we are using more creativity. Thank goodness for that!

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Everyone will be taking a "pass" at the memorial as well .

    Welcome to the board Thinking. Don't Stop!!!

  • Carmel

    Last time I saw him he was on the Johnny Carson show! He was wearing a white turbin and reading cards on the back side!\


  • Thinking

    can someone please tell me how to start a new thread?

    ummmm I know its off topic.......sorry

  • IP_SEC

    click here http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/default.ashx and chose (click) a main heading. friends, bible research, what ever. then click on New Topic kinda up at the top of the page

    Type a subject and then your message in the body :smile:



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