even if I hear something I don't understand, Jehovah will eventually reveal it to me through the evil and indiscreet bastard of a slave"
ROFLMAO! Good one!
Most dubs feel the organisation is the closest thing they will ever find if it's not the ONLY truth.
Ya, my sister is like that. She doesn't believe that Jesus returned in 1914, but she said "when you look at the bible, Jehovah's always used an organization............I think he's going to bring about the New System of Things and I want to be there for that......what other religion can offer us that?" In a nutshell, she likes the social aspect of the Organization is isn't prepared to give it up.
Dubs must be past a certain point for your idea to work. They have to have strong doubts first.
Actually, this is the first thing that got me to doubt. I was out in Service one day (had to work by myself cause we were unevenly numbered that day) and one guy invited me in and through the conversation he told me that someone he worked with proved the Jehovah's Witnesses wrong and that they didn't have an answer for the questions he was asking. That really shocked me and got me thinking.