Silentlambs Japan Trip a Success!

by Dogpatch 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Poztate
    So, if you find Bill's methods not to your taste, keep in mind the cold hearted, arrogant cult he is exposing.

    Bill has done a super job of getting public attention focused on the "sins" of the WT ..They will be forced to change their policies because of him and others like him such as Joe & Barbara Anderson. The lawsuits have them squirming and backing into a corner.

    I wish Bill,Joe and Barbara every success as they continue to fight for the children.There are many others working for the same goals behind the scenes and I give them credit and applaud their efforts also.

  • Poztate
    There are quite a few good guys over there who want to see the Watchtower shrink up to their bikinis and run around the streets in shame. The Witnesses are slowly dying over there like they are here, eat your heart out Ted Jaracz!

    Randy....I would like to see them die out but "god forbid" that we would ever see them running around with bikinis in shame.

    (yes I know what you meant)

    I wish they would die out completely but in the short term the shame of their child abuse policy MUST CHANGE.

  • orangefatcat

    To all who work tiredlessy on behalf of abused persons around the world, I applaud you and your work. It is wonderful that many of you have done a fine work in advocating this serious issue of child molestation within the ranks of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    It makes me ill when I see that there are people opposed to your fine works. I indeed question persons that feel your work is not important or of little consequence. Perhaps their problem is that they may be a molester themselves. They have no remorse or any feelings for anyone other then their own self gratification their lewd depraved sexual acts and preverted deviations.

    I would be leery of a person who shuns the seriousness of this terrible injustice to so many innocent children. God forbid if it was to happen to one of their own.

    And as for apostacy, what bearing does this have with abused people? Nothing absouletly nothing.

    Only a sick person would feel there is no reason to address this extensive problem worldwide within the WTS. or for any other religion for that matter.

    Bill Bowen and Barb and Joe Anderson have paid a big price for what they've exposed within the WTS. They are courageous persons who abhor the atrocities metted out to innocent children. Their courage has caused them much discomfort but still they adhere to this urgent problem around the world. For this may God Bless your wonderful deeds and may you continue to advocate the innocence of children everywhere.

    And to Randy and others who keep us posted it is greatly appreciated. Thanks so very much and my God richly bless you in your contiuned good works.

    Your friend always Orangefatcat


  • goose

    first of all were not fundametalists freaks or cult read the bible like a true christian and the silient sheep thing well i wonder are u trying to talk against jehova and i do understand that theres some brothers that are doing wrong but why not let jehova handle it and by the way isn't the watchtower watch by jehova so in other words jehova will bring justice to people who are doing wrong things and jehova is looking over good and bad people as it says in proverbs 15:3.

  • goose

    If u saw the video on dateline the girl had a little small cross on her so what does that mean that she is fleeing from the truth the word of jehova so it makes u think twice i mean for someone who now is worshiping jesus on a cross don't think so.

  • Elsewhere

    but why not let jehova handle it and by the way isn't the watchtower watch by jehova so in other words jehova will bring justice to people who are doing wrong things and jehova is looking over good and bad people as it says in proverbs 15:3.

    So, basically you are saying that NOTHING should be done about Jehovah's Witnesses who molest little children?

    Just let them be... let them continue to molest and wait..... and wait.... and wait....

    Just how long do you propose one wait while a child is being raped??? Do you have any children? If you saw someone raping your child, how long would you sit in your chair watching while your child was being raped across the room?

    Did the "Good Samaritan" wait on your Jehover to help the man who was robbed and beaten and left half-dead on the side of the road or did he step up and do something to help? Are you going to be the Good Samaritan or are you going to be the ministers and priests who walk past him on the other side of the road?

  • Elsewhere

    If u saw the video on dateline the girl had a little small cross on her
    So then are you saying that little girls who wear crosses deserve to be raped? Or are you saying that little girls who wear a cross do not deserve help after being raped?

  • donkey

    Does the phone number in the banner (as shown in the photos) work in Japan?

  • donkey


    I think your post is extremely accurate as to the REAL issue we are dealing with. If they ever admit they were wrong they are toast!!


  • Elsewhere

    I agree... here is a re-post of what Metatron said:

    If any of you lurkers feel negative about Bill Bowen's work, remember this:

    He is exposing an organization that never says "We apologize"

    He is exposing an organization that never says "We were wrong".

    Despite all of the harm done by false prophecy, breaking up families, hiding wrongdoing and lying to authorities

    across 120 years, they never say "We are sorry for misleading...."

    The head of a major bank in Japan publically bowed and apologized for the errors of his business recently. Leaders of the

    Catholic church have done much the same - but never the Watchtower.

    The Watchtower is wrapped up in the secret conceit that, in fact, they are never wrong and never need to

    apologize for anything they do, no matter how obviously in error they were. They will simply explain their sins

    away as 'tests' and quietly blame others.

    So, if you find Bill's methods not to your taste, keep in mind the cold hearted, arrogant cult he is exposing.

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