Ahh the Freedom

by forgetmenot 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • forgetmenot

    Hello All,

    It's been so long since I've been here. Hmmm...Suppose that warrants a new introduction, which will conveniently lead to the subject of my post: Ahh the Freedom.

    I am twenty years old, with my twenty-one run fast approaching. I will be getting my B.S. degree in engineering at the end of next spring (i.e. I am a junior). I am also pursuing a pre-med option so that I can attend both medical school and graduate school in a joint, eight year long program. At my university, I have been apart of numerous organizations, which have been mostly multicultural and academic related. I also live alone in my own apartment. I?ve tried the whole roommate situation and concluded that ?I don?t care who you are, I can?t live with you.? In fact I?m so convinced of this fact, that I?m half expecting that when/if I get married, my husband and I will have separate houses. Another great fact about me, I have both my nose and eyebrow pierced, yet I still manage to be an intelligent person (most of the time). Apparently this is a strange phenomenon to a great number of people.

    Okay, so the point of my introduction? Last three day weekend, I visited my grandparents and relatives who happened to be Jehovah?s Witnesses. I stopped attending meetings and having affiliation with the society/org about six to eight years ago (somewhere from junior high to freshman/sophomore year of high school). While this is definitely in the past, I still find myself thinking about it from time to time and I am amazed. I look at all the ?rules? I?ve broken: going to college; piercing my face; setting goals for the future; going through my drinking/wild period; saying ?God Bless You? after someone sneezes; celebrating my birthday; going sporadically to different churches; celebrating holidays (I?ve discovered Halloween is one of my favorites!); learning and loving other people?s culture and religions; etc. The list is wonderfully long!

    My point: while Dubs see this as breaking the rules, I see this as freedom! It actually didn?t dawn on me until I went to church last Sunday. Mind you, I didn?t go to your typical church. It was a Universalist Unitarian church. I went more out of curiosity than anything. But while I was listening to the sermon, I realized that I used to spend so much time trying to use my brain to fit the society/org?s rules when all along I could have been using it to help and include people. What an incredible difference! Perhaps, this is one of my most enjoyed freedoms!

    So my question to all: What freedom that would have previously been considered ?breaking the rules?, do you enjoy and treasure now?

  • the_classicist

    Rules that I've broken...

    I go to university (Classics, I've heard that's an elitist major)

    I go to the Roman Catholic Church

    I swear a lot, only a little drinking

    I watch horror movies

    and probably more things than I can remember.

  • Lostreality

    welcome back!!



    drinking in excess

    eating too much

    relations out of wedlock

    celebrating holidays



    questioning exsistence.

  • GetBusyLiving

    thinking. being myself.

  • ColdRedRain

    Ahh, what it's like to be 18 and have no friends that screwed their lives over with drugs and sleazy women. Freedoms I enjoy:

    I may say how I feel without sounding like a charachter from Napoleon Dynamite

    I quit bitching about politics and not doing anything and I finally did something. I cast my first ballot on Election Day, 2002. Almost all of my canidates won.

    I may listen to whatever music I like without having to hear some old guy that hasn't a clue about modern music give his dated input on genres of rock 'n roll.

    Reading religious sources as a way to get to know other people's cultures is considered a good habit instead of a destructive one

    I have a better hope than screaming "Jehoober" whenever I'm being attacked by a mugger. I can kick his ass because I know tae kwon do, kickboxing and boxing moves.

    I won't be decried for looking different, but rather, I'd be thought of as novel.

    I can take that college course at 7 o clock on Teusday nights. Of course, that's when Tae Kwon Do is scheduled for :)

    I can meet women whose goals aren't just to breed and go out and sell books.

  • forgetmenot

    Ahh...Napoleon Dynamite! Wonderful stuff!

    I had forgotten about the freedom of music. However, that was an issue this last weekend. I didn?t realize how many curse words were in my music of choice!

    (Okay on a complete side note, is that how old you are listed to your gender symbol? And who let all the Canadians in? Just Kidding! Mucho love to all?Oooh and on a very severe side note, for the Canadians: what do you call the gravy you put on your fries? I?ve decided that that is distinctively Canadian....and for the person from Washington, US: east side or west side?)

  • mtbatoon

    A flutter on the dogs.

    Blood sausage.

    Dungeons and dragons.

    The winter solstice celebrations.

    The spring fertility festivals (both hijacked by them damn Christians)

    Living with my wife for years and having kids before marriage.


  • ColdRedRain
    A flutter on the dogs.

    in English?

    Blood sausage


  • mtbatoon
    A flutter on the dogs.

    A cash speculation on the outcome of 6 canines pursuing a mechanical lure in the form of a hare.

    (I like to bet on the greyhounds)

  • doogie

    i can read whatever i want and i'm not afraid of other people's opinions.

    oh yeah, and i get to take blood tranfusions.

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