I think the jws might be right

by holly 114 Replies latest jw friends

  • franklin J
    franklin J


    "To each his own"

    If following the JWs brings you happiness; by all means pursue it.

    It is a free world ...... we are free to make our OWN CHOICES IN LIFE.....don't ever let THEM make you forget that !

    Those of us who have been there and left; all had some VERY VALID reasons for doing so.

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    To Defd, I am NOT blowing you off, I am at the office and my Bible and notes are at home, I will be happy to give you examples later when I get home.

    To Holly, not sure what the version you are using has, but typically one problem I can think of off the top of my head is the old John 1:1 issue, just about every translation I ever looked at said the Word was God, not was a god, huge difference there.

  • undercover

    They might be right about what exactly?

    Personally I've always admired the JW stand of not getting involved in politics or war and I think that is probably the right view a Christian should take. That doesn't make them God's channel on earth though. There are other religions that follow the same reasoning.

    I think the JWs are right about a burning hell. I think they're right about immortality of the soul.

    But if a religion claims to be god's prophet, god's organization, god's channel, etc then they have to be 100% right, not just partially right. Having seen the many mistakes and false predictions, the flip-flopping of doctrine, the mistaken chronology, it tells me that they aren't what they claim.

    Now, if someone wants to join them after investigating both sides, I say more power to them. It's your right and freedom. I wish you well. I'm glad that you did search out both sides. Most converts to JWism do not ever get that chance.

    Good luck Holly, hope it works out and I hope you continue to visit.

  • holly

    hey everyone, got to go to work soon, so will answer some stuff and get back later.

    regarding blood, i wouldnt take it anyway - when you see someone die as a result of a bad transfusion you just dont want to go there. i felt this way long ago, even when i thought the jws were a bunch of lunatics. i wouldnt have an organ transplant either, but thats just me. when my time is up its up. it does say in the new testament 'abstain from blood'. if it said abstain from alcohol, i wouldnt put it in my veins. i know you will have lots of things to say about this, i was on another forum and raised it. this is just how i feel. blood is special - its special to god - its life giving and i think its an important rule in the bible. im fortunate i wouldnt take it anyway, so it will never be an area of controvesy for me, like it is for some.

    some of you say the jws are right about some stuff. i believe the bible is the inspired word of god, and some people on this earth have the right message. its been suggested that no one has all the information, that the church might be right about some stuff, and jws about other stuff, and maybe other groups have certain facts right. but the bible says in the last days there will be a witness of the good news of the kingdom, and then the end will come. Now if god wants information to be known, i cannot believe he works through individuals with massively varying opinions and messages. there has to be, if we have a god of order, a united message that is right. whoever these people are have to be of one voice, and from what i can see, there are only the jws with a message of unity.

    theres lots i want to say and i dont have the time right now, so just thought i would mention the above.

    yes i have read whole chapters of the bible, and not the jw one. ive recently read half of genesis, all of acts, all of john, 1, 2, 3 john, corinthians, james, many of the psalms, hebrews and parts of revelation, along with parts of other books of the bible. i see a clear message that matches everything ive been told by the jws. please dont make the assumption ive been brainwashed.....i spent years in the church accepting what they told me without checking things out. now i am doing. i pray and ask all the time that God show me the truth, bec it is something i really do seek. then i read the bible. and i am still convinced the jws have the right message.

    talk later


  • defd

    big dog

    thats ok I can give you one that many people take out of context.John10:30 Many religious people use that text to support the trinity doctrine. However when we apply the method you mentioned concerning accurate understanding of the bible such as considering content and contextwe will find that those people miss apply that script.

  • holly
    o Holly, not sure what the version you are using has, but typically one problem I can think of off the top of my head is the old John 1:1 issue, just about every translation I ever looked at said the Word was God, not was a god, huge difference there

    yes i know. i was given an explanation for this but cant remember it now. but if jesus is god, it raises all these other questions that dont make sense:

    - why did he say his father was greater than him

    - why does the bible say worship only God

    -why didnt moses or any of the old testament people worship Jesus

    -why did jesus not know the day or the hour

    -why in revelation does it depict one throne in heaven, with all those round it worshiping Jehova

    -how could Jesus coming to earth as a co-equal with god, have been an equal sacrifice for adams sin. god cannot lie, god cannot sin - if jesus is his co-eternal equal, neither would he have been able to, so it would have been no great deal to come and do the deed of dying.

    -satan offered jesus all the kingdom of the worlds. if he had been god, there forever, not created, it would have made satans challenge worthless. he coulda said 'get lost stupid satan, why are you offering me what is mine anyway'. satan wouldnt tempt jesus with something unless he had a viable chance of swaying him, and he could have only swayed him if he was subject to god and not equal.

    other stuff, really must go to work, but just wanted to explain my reasonings.


  • defd


    very good answer. To all who read her post that is NOT the WTBTS reasoning that is the BIBLES reasoning.

  • Bryan


    it does say in the new testament 'abstain from blood'

    I totally understand that. But the WTB&TS says you can have a transfussion of many of the parts of the blood. You say it's studying of the bible that makes you think the witnesses are correct. So which scripture is it that gives you the faith that the headquartes are correct about taking parts of the blood?



    Have You Seen My Mother

  • doogie


    i have NO problem with your beliefs as long as you have no problem with mine.

  • Celia


    this is just how i feel. blood is special - its special to god - its life giving and i think its an important rule in the bible. im fortunate i wouldnt take it anyway, so it will never be an area of controvesy for me, like it is for some.

    Yes, it's life giving, as thousands of lives have been saved by a blood transfusion....

    You're an adult I presume Holly... So if you want to refuse a blood transfusion, even if you knew that it would save your life, (after an accident for example where you have lost a lot of blood) that's ok, your life, your decision.... What about all the children who have died because their parents refused to let them have a life-saving blood transfusion? These kids didn't have a choice, didn't decide to die - their *#@#*$%&^ -up parents decided for them.

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