I think the jws might be right

by holly 114 Replies latest jw friends

  • gypsywildone

    Can someone please show me a scripture that mentions the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society as necessary between God & man?

    Where are they mentioned in a Bible?

  • GreenDragon

    Hi Holly

    You need to sit down, pray and then read the bible properly (preferably with the Interlinear book). Go and looked up also historical accounts of how Peter die and asked yourself this ... you believe in the cross or the pole??

    BTW ... I am happy whenever a patient received blood transfusion and lives

  • holly
    What about all the children who have died because their parents refused to let them have a life-saving blood transfusion? These kids didn't have a choice, didn't decide to die - their

    there are also parents who allowed their children to have a life saving transfusion, then had to watch their child die from the blood they allowed into their childs body that was contaminated. thats from someone who knows.

  • Narkissos
    regarding blood, i wouldnt take it anyway - when you see someone die as a result of a bad transfusion you just dont want to go there. i felt this way long ago, even when i thought the jws were a bunch of lunatics. i wouldnt have an organ transplant either, but thats just me. when my time is up its up.

    IMO the question is rather: if your child has 90 % chances of dying without a blood transfusion and 1 % chances of dying as a result of a bad b.t., what will you choose?

    it does say in the new testament 'abstain from blood'. if it said abstain from alcohol, i wouldnt put it in my veins.

    What is running in your veins now?

    but the bible says in the last days there will be a witness of the good news of the kingdom, and then the end will come.

    Nope. The Gospels clearly say that for the generation of Jesus. And the end did not come. Whatever point is made from that for any "last days" beginning centuries later is not what "the Bible says".

    Now if god wants information to be known, i cannot believe he works through individuals with massively varying opinions and messages. there has to be, if we have a god of order, a united message that is right. whoever these people are have to be of one voice, and from what i can see, there are only the jws with a message of unity.

    You believe that. JWs do. But that's not what "the Bible says".

    please dont make the assumption ive been brainwashed.....

    OK I won't say it.

    why didnt moses or any of the old testament people worship Jesus.

    Ermm. Think again.

    how could Jesus coming to earth as a co-equal with god, have been an equal sacrifice for adams sin.
    Where in the Bible does it say he should "have been an equal sacrifice for Adam's sin"?
  • holly
    have NO problem with your beliefs as long as you have no problem with mine.

    not at all doogie. we are all free to choose want we want from life


  • defd


    i looked up some of your past posts and found one that stated you were dumped as a bible student. Did you ever pick the study back up and were you baptised?

  • doogie
    not at all doogie. we are all free to choose want we want from life

    would you speak to me on the street after joining?

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Holly, first, go to work. Second I know what you are saying, those are the questions that always get rolled out when discussing Trinity vs. Non-Trinity. I'm not saying that I buy the Trinity doctrine, but once I had it explained to me correctly by someone who actually understood it, I found it was not as whacked out as the WBTS love to make it sound. But here's the thing that I always said, it seems that the WBTS believes in 2/3 of the Trinity, they have no problem with the Holy Spirit being part of God, yet separate, separate to the point it is given the attributes of being hurt by man's actions or that the only unforgivable sin is a against the Holy Spirit. If you can buy the Holy Spirit being part of God, yet being depicted as being separate to the point of having its own name and attributes, is it really so hard to imagine Jesus being the same? My bottom line is if there is a God, none of us can really understand his nature and I don't know that arguing about it really is all that important. And dispite what anyone says I think you can really read it both ways as there are many scriptures (though some altered in the NWT) that seem to point to Christ's divinity.

    Greendragon is right, sit down with a good bible, I'm sorry but I really agree that the NWT is not a very good translation and things have been altered to fit JW doctrine and work things out for yourself. Whatever you end up believing is okay, as long as you can tolerate other beliefs as well.

  • HadEnuf
    i find the jws quite scriptural

    Holly...we have all I'm sure at one time or another felt exactly how you feel when making that statement. In myself and my husband's case, as JW's for over four decades, we came to a point in our life where the "good" things that the JW's taught were being outweighed by the man-made rules and regulations that were NOT scriptural. Watchtower Dogma. When you are abused by elder's, when your children are abused by elder's (not sexually, just mentally, emotionally, etc., though the former happens too), when your own family shun you because you choose to leave...then perhaps you can see why many of us are on this board are trying to help others see the Watchtower society from the perspective of those who have been devasted by the actions of this religion.

    But in the end...we all have the right to choose what we want to do with our lives. You have the choice to believe that the JW's are more right about things than wrong; and you can be a JW. Then good for you. For my family and myself; the burden of being a JW became too much and when you add to that many of the UNSCRIPTURAL things they teach...we left. Our lives are so much happier now. We control our own consciences...not the Watchtower.

    Big hug...Cathy L.

  • Elsewhere

    Hello Holly,

    I'm afraid you are being drawn in by simplistic scripure quoting. An example would be: Keep abstaning from blood. Sure, the bible says that, but it also says:

    (Anyone violating the Sabbath received the death penalty... here Jesus said it was lawful to heal a person on the Sabbath. How is this any different than using blood (the symbol of life) to save a live? It seems to me it would be wrong to sacrifice a life in the name of a symbol of life.

    (Luke 14:1-6) 14 And on an occasion when he went into the house of a certain one of the rulers of the Pharisees on the sabbath to eat a meal, they were closely watching him. 2 And, look! there was before him a certain man who had dropsy. 3 So in response Jesus spoke to those versed in the Law and to the Pharisees, saying: "Is it lawful on the sabbath to cure or not?" 4 But they kept silent. With that he took hold of [the man], healed him and sent [him] away. 5 And he said to them: "Who of YOU, if his son or bull falls into a well, will not immediately pull him out on the sabbath day?" 6 And they were not able to answer back on these things.

    (Matthew 12:1-7) . . .His disciples got hungry and started to pluck heads of grain and to eat. 2 At seeing this the Pharisees said to him: "Look! Your disciples are doing what it is not lawful to do on the sabbath." 3 He said to them: "Have YOU not read what David did when he and the men with him got hungry? 4 How he entered into the house of God and they ate the loaves of presentation, something that it was not lawful for him to eat, nor for those with him, but for the priests only? 5 Or, have YOU not read in the Law that on the sabbaths the priests in the temple treat the sabbath as not sacred and continue guiltless? 6 But I tell YOU that something greater than the temple is here. 7 However, if YOU had understood what this means, ?I want mercy, and not sacrifice,? YOU would not have condemned the guiltless ones.

    An excellent book for you to read is The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse. It is not about JWs specifically, but it is about religions in general that are abusive - which the WTS is. I strongly suggest you read this book before you make any decisions.

    The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse
    by David Johnson

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