Why is the Governing Body so Thoughtlessly Cruel?

by frankiespeakin 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    I have wondered why the Governing Body is callous when it comes to the rules they make that effect millions of their followers. They enforce their ban on blood transfusions with the threat of disfellowshipment which has caused untold suffering and death for its members. They make shunning mandatory of any member that doesn?t agree with their interpretation of the bible which destroys families and friendships, and in all this there doesn?t seem to be any let up. Clearly they don?t give any consideration to those they hurt by policy they decree. What makes them so cruel and thoughtless??

    I think Ray Franz in his book ISCF helps give some clue. On page 249 he gives an account of his uncles(Freddy) funeral talk for the tragic death of his grand nephew. Freddy began the talk by strutting up to the platform and saying in a loud and stentorian voice: ?ISN?T IT GRAND TO BE ALIVE!? and then he proceeds to give his 10 minute discussion about the meaning of Eccl. 7:1-4 but still hasn?t even mentioned his grand nephew in his talk. After explaining the meaning of the above verses he says: ?And the reason why is that sooner or later we?re all going to end up like ?.THIS!? and with out turn to look at his grand nephew he merely just threw back his hand in the direction of the body.

    Also Freddy didn?t want to take any time off from his work at bethel to go to his father?s funeral but had to be told to go by Rutherford to go after his mother spoke to the Judge. Freddy mentioned this to the bethel family to encourage them to follow his example of zeal.

    It seems that these guy?s lack any concern for family. And that is easy to see because most have been in so called full time service for decades which leaves them little if any time for family,, except maybe their wives,, where as every other family member is lost or forgotten. Such a life of constant attendance on organizational matters takes it?s toll and disolves any natural love for ones family. They are out of touch with these feelings or they have suppressed them and they expect others to do the same. This can no doubt account for their readiness to break up families threw shunning if the unity of the Organization is threatened to them the survival of the Organization is the most important thing and human life and happiness is secondary.

    There is a lot more to this perhaps you might add something. Cult thinking takes its toll on natural affection,,I know I've been slowly able to get some of mine back,,I'm still working on it because of 30 years of indoctination takes it's toll.

  • kls

    I believe it is all about CONTROL ,plain and simple. If they were to lax on their lieing beliefs they know they would lose members faster then they are.

  • frankiespeakin


    I agree control is the main thing now. But we need to add to it the fact that they have choosen the Organization over people. Not to mention the god of the bible they worship is cruel himself.

  • kls

    Organization over people yes because the org is the control, and with out the org they will lose control. Say you are driving your car and you let go of the steering wheel , what would happen ,you would veer and crash and maybe die so you know to hold that steering wheel. So with out the org you lose control and the org teaches with out them you will die so again it is control.

  • frankiespeakin


    Yes, that's a good point. I'm sure most of the GB know by now because of so many failed predictions, as well as the expose that is going on world wide that they are not what they have claimed to be. And so now they are trying to keep control of a sinking ship,,and being the corwards that they are they try anyway possible to keep control even if it means more innocent lives lost or more families being ruined they don't care,, as long as they keep control at least until till the die.

  • frankiespeakin

    I think the Governing Body can not really think to deeply about the harm they are causing because it is too painful emotionally,, so they block out any type of feelings that may surface for those they harm. They surround themselves with yes men and ass kissers to help ease the pain thier consciences may try to inflict.

  • upside/down

    As a "study" I once had observed, they are little old men in glass towers who've never had a real job in thier entire lives who act as if everyone else has nothing better to do but sit in a building discussing endlessly things that they "theorize" about. They are like "spiritual consultants".

    Definition- "consultant": A man that knows 365 different ways to make love... but doesn't know any women.

    I rest my case.


  • jeanniebeanz

    I can answer that in two words: They're Delusional


  • outoftheorg

    In my opinion the gb are thoroughly DETACHED from reality and human or familial affection and dynamics and social conduct.

    They remind me of men who have had a life sentence in prison and only know and live with the social laws of prisons.

    They come to view people as items or fixtures not humans with feelings, fears, expectations needing acceptance and caring loving relations.

    They have no experience only book knowledge, if anything, of raising a family, working for a living, raising children.

    They become robots, a biological robot without feelings, unable to understand the damage they do, without the ability to feel guilt or shame over their conduct.

    They would fit in rather nicely with the lifers in a high security prison.


  • Dragonlady76

    Why are they so cruel? I don't know but I can say that "Control, Money, Power and Prestige" seem to have a lot to do with it.

    In history we find many world leaders or famous individuals that had influence and control, they were also considered cruel, and I ask myself why did they act like that? What drove this human being to inflict so much harm on others? What common thread do these people share? The only explination that I can see is this:

    (1) A total lack of empathy

    (2) Mental Ilness.<-----this is very common among us.

    But add 1+2 = ? <------ Someone to fear especially if they ever come into a position to exert control, influence and or power over others. Just my thoughts. Dragonlady76


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