We arent asking it about jehovaber the @ss hole we are asking it about the Gooberbody.
by frankiespeakin 23 Replies latest jw friends
We arent asking it about jehovaber the @ss hole we are asking it about the Gooberbody.
This question might well be asked of Jehovah, seeing that he is going to tear the wicked ones away from the Earth. (Psalm 37:10,11) On the other hand, millions who are suffering today, may view that as a kindness.
I would like to ask that to jehovah. "J" Why are you the god of blood,guts and foreskins in the old testament and then changed to the "god of love "in the new testament. Did you reinvent yourself or did Jesus do the job for you?
What was John SMOKING in Revelation???
Will you kill only the wicked at "A" or anyone who is not a card carrying member of the JW cult ??
Will you reserve special judgement for the "apostates"? who just could never see the "new light"? and especially those who post on JWD?? You wouldn't kill a lurker would you???
Please god.....I am in the presence of an idiot.....Please kill me and let my suffering cease
They've lost their humanity, and are just rotting souls in ancient corpses.
rebel8---showing too much sadness over the death of a loved one reveals lack of faith in the resurrection. I know that's what I was taught. This is just one example of the many things they teach us which kills all natural affection in my opinion and experience. Another would be laying claim to some of the homes during field service for after the big A and the undeserving owners are gone. It's like a subliminal deprogramming of all human natural affection and compassion. We must learn to be (or if raised in the org to never develop natural affection) cold hearted to those who do not fall in line and submit all that we are to the most holy org. Hi again all, I am just slipping in once in awhile as I feel brave...