...if THAT ain't cult literature, I don't know WHAT is!!!
Just read through most of the Revelation Climax book
by M.J. 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
I only have my "Creation" book still and only because my mother gave it to me recently and told me to re-read it that it would convince me to come back. It is tucked away and someday I think I might read it for a laugh. Coming now from an adult perspective I think it might be quite laughable.
The Revelations book was so weird to me but it came out when I was a young teenager and couldn't quite "get it" it would be interesting to read it now.
when you read the Creation book again, don't forget the study guide:
...if THAT ain't cult literature, I don't know WHAT is!!!
Ya got that right!
The Revelations book was so weird to me but it came out when I was a young teenager and couldn't quite "get it" it would be interesting to read it now.
I was an adult when I read it---and I never "got it" either!
Never having been a JW, it was pretty amusing to see the tremendous importance the WTS places on themselves in this book! How such and such prophecy in Revelation about 1/3 of the earth being wiped out REALLY meant that Joe Rutherford wrote up an article that was just SOOOOOO scathing!
Didn't even know there was a study guide! hahaa... love it!
The thing is, after taking college classes involving science so much of the Awake magazine and literature seems sooo elementary school. Like some remedial training.
I have to admit I am more interested in reading science publications and textbooks than I am in reading the Bible again.
You said it, M.J. What a wacky, bizarre book.
Yesterday I came across this Watchtower article that humorously contrasts the horrific imagery of Revelation with the relatively insipid fulfillment:
***w69 12/1 p. 715 Final Woes to Enemies of Peace with God ***
Thus through the rise and spread of international communism a great flaming political issue was hurled in among the disturbed, restless, aspiring peoples of the earth.
How would it affect you emotionally if you saw a motion picture showing a flaming earth-mass like a great mountain being hurled into the sea, and a third of the sea becoming blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea being killed, and a third of the seagoing vessels being wrecked? You would shudder and say it was a horror picture! Well, those were the scenic effects that followed the blowing of the trumpet by the second of God?s seven angelic trumpeters. Do you grasp the meaning of those scenic effects??Rev. 8:8, 9.....
Already as early as in the midst of the first world war (of 1914-1918 C.E.) the clergy of Christendom, together with their political and military allies, had decided that they had experienced enough religious trouble with the Christian witnesses for Jehovah God and his kingdom by Christ. They took advantage of the war conditions and of wartime laws to put to death the public activities carried on by these witnesses. They did not like to be notified that the "times of the Gentiles" had run out in the year 1914 and that these witnesses had been vindicated by world events in pointing forward for decades to that year as the time for God?s kingdom by Christ to come into full control in the heavens, with authority to oust the Gentile nations from the earth. The cry of the clergy was, "Kill the witnesses!" That is to say, Cause these International Bible Students to cease from being witnesses in public to God?s kingdom of his Messiah or Christ. With the aid of the political and military powers they succeeded in technically ?killing the witnesses? by the middle of the year 1918, just some months before World War I ended. Thus the extensive public witnessing work ended, even those who were foremost in the witnessing work being put behind prison bars under long-term sentences, also the witnessing organization being badly disrupted, limited. The "witnesses" were as if in the "pit of the abyss."
I'm curious...have they replace the King of the North and King of the South again? They also stick to the 1914 date in that book, too.
How much longer before it gets discarded like the "Bablyon the Great has Fallen" book? Funny, no one brings that up anymore...
Never having been a JW, it was pretty amusing to see the tremendous importance the WTS places on themselves in this book! How such and such prophecy in Revelation about 1/3 of the earth being wiped out REALLY meant that Joe Rutherford wrote up an article that was just SOOOOOO scathing!
Yeah, I was pretty skeptical about that when I was a JW. Too bad I didn't research the organization from sources other than their own literature. It didn't make sense to me that some guys getting out of jail or someone talking out of his ass was supposed to be a fulfillment of some earth shattering prophecy. Walter
I'm curious...have they replace the King of the North and King of the South again?
I was wondering about that during my last few years as a JW. One elder speculated the king of the north might be Iraq. I'm sure he's changed his mind by now.
The WTS probably put the king of the north on the back burner for now, and are waiting until the R & F get a little more restless before they release some new light? about it.