I am Anointed.

by integ 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • AuntieJane

    I am interested in purchasing your product. However, I have learned not to believe everything that is printed in

    black and white. Former cult activity led me to question everything. So I am wondering what is the Shipping and Handling?

  • GermanXJW

    Anointed? Well, who is not?

    blondie, at first look I thought this is a picture from an adult shop. ;-)

  • blondie

    I don't think so, GermanXJW, but those seeking holiness from Israel, the holy land.

  • GermanXJW

    So, it must be me. After all I am an evil apostate. ;-)

  • stillajwexelder

    So I assume on Thursady March the 24th you will be going along to the hall and partaking of the emblems?

  • AshtonCA

    is this person legit, or just another troll?

    My mom was anointed and after leaving the org found out that she really isn't anymore special than any other person who feels they will be going to heaven when they die. That was a rude awakening for our family. Now all of us know where we will be going once we shuffle off this mortal coil, and no one is any better than anyone else who is going.

    There is no anointed class and earthly class, we all end up in the same place (well, those of us who are not sinnnin'. Well, at least none of the big sins anyway, right?)


  • confusedjw
    please send me a copy,I have trouble with coomon sense thinking ,self esteem ,and I desperately need an identity.

    LOL, that's funny. Wow. (integ - send me one too as I have a friend who has some self esteem issues and identity problems)

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    I once had a dove fly down and shit on my head. I think I'm annointed too.

  • missy04

    Is this a joke?


  • fairchild
    I once had a dove fly down and shit on my head. I think I'm annointed too.

    They usually do that on my laundry when it hangs outside. Does that make my laundry anointed?

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