Family secret: Memorial(tm) while on vacation in Cuba

by Quotes 22 Replies latest jw friends


    One word - Cohibas


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hi Quotes:

    Fortunately, I have a copy of the Memorial Talk Outline(tm)....

    I would love to read a copy of the talk outline just to see if there is any specific reference to the "reason why JWs believe the 144,000 is a literal number". When I went to the Memorial last year, the speaker gave such a lame explanation as "proof" and I posted a thread describing it in this thread....

    I'm wondering if this explanation is directly from the WTS on the outline, or if it was just the speaker's own thoughts weak attempt of grasping at straws.

    Can you post a copy of it or a link to it please? Thanks a bunch if you can.

    btw...I hope things are going well with you and your site. I'm trying hard to keep up with everything going on here..but feel I'm losing the battle sometimes. I miss getting to the GTA and meeting up with all "youse guys".

    Take care, Had Enough

  • Quotes

    Hi Had Enough!

    Your wish is my command:

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