As you know, a loyal dub is not supposed to watch stuff like Pulp Fiction, Basic Instinct, Last Tango in Paris -- what films which are classics have you now watched and caught up with which you could not watch when you were a witness -- saw Pulp Fiction for the first time this week - brilliant
by stillajwexelder 20 Replies latest jw friends
Last Tango in Paris????? GET THE BUTTER!!!
Taylor S.
Fortunately for me, I was always a bad little dub ... I'd sneak off to go see whatever I wanted. And if it was 'demonized', I wanted to see it even more.
In my early teens I see the slasher and zombie movies ... my favorite still is 'Dawn of the Dead'.
I remember sneaking out with my friend Kathy to see "Ryan's Daughter" (rated R). She was in town for the convention. We were 14 or 15.
So, when my parents asked me where we went, I fessed up, being the good little JDub I was. WELL, the ship hit the sand!
Since I exited at 18, I didn't miss much in the way of flicks, but
For me, it was the books I could now read ....
Tropic of Cancer
de Maupassant
Anne Rice
French Lieutenant's Woman
Clockwork Orange
etc. etc. etc.
talesin *book-worm klass*
My parents would not let me watch anything. Sheesh.... even the Smurfs were bad.
By the way Last Tango in Paris is one awesome film. I'm sure they already banned Teletubbies!
I like Zombie movies too, I've also seen a lot of no-no horror films, especially the Exorcist and the Omen (though, the Omen was on TV and I wasn't watching it carefully --- so I missed most of it). I always liked being scared.
I watch the movies I want to. Ratings are for the birds. Austin Powers is the best example of a PG-13 that should have been R. I remember my mom saying I was not a real JW cuz I watched R movies. pffft.... I want a movie with a good story. I love the scene in Pulp Fiction......CatchUP!!!!!!
If you wanna see a forbidden movie, get "Rosemary's Baby".
It's not gory, no blood, etc., but it's reeaaallllyyyyyy scary.
Nuff said!
Monty Python, Life of Brian
Monty Python, Life of Brian
One of my all time favorites! Went to see it for the first time, many years ago, in a movie theatre in Belgium. After the movie was over, people stood up and gave the screen a standing ovation. That was silly, but really cute.