Please answer this for me

by jayhawk1 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • jayhawk1

    Hi Prisca,
    We have sat down together and talked about the ground rules of her moving in. My purpose of posing the question is, Jehovah's Witnesses see her moving in as a sin. I don't see it that way, because she is just renting a room from me. Now you all might be right, at 18 she could fall for me. If that happens, then we would have to deal with that later. By the way, my mother thinks her moving in is a good idea. Keep sending your messages.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • patio34

    Hi Jayhawk,

    I'm 54 grandmother. My youngest son is almost your age.

    It is your business what you do--isn't that wonderful?? You're gathering advice and making the decision. If it goes well or badly, it's your business. What a difference being out of the borg makes!

    Good luck!


  • AGuest

    Hey, JH1... peace to you!

    Here's the thing:

    From the WTBTS' most-oh-so-holy PIOUS perspective, it's not okay for a man and woman to be alone in a room. Prevalence of 'fornication' and all that. Yet, they have NO problem with a man and woman who, say, in front of and unbeknownst to 11,000 people (at a District Convention, perhaps?)... 'IN THE HEARTS'... undress each other and commit adultery... 'in their hearts'.

    This is how it works:

    You can be alone with a woman and have absolutely NO 'inappropriate' thoughts about her. Or... she can be 50,000 miles away, and you've 'taken her'... in your heart.

    It is not that which we do PHYSICALLY that is so much an issue, as what we do in our hearts... and the MOTIVE and INTENT behind it. If you and this young woman have an understanding, then who is to judge what is in your hearts... IF you are both being honest with each other, and any other affected people, to the best of your ability.

    IF your motive and intent, however, or hers, is other than what you tell each other... that's an entirely different thing. You're not being completely honest and perhaps even deceitful.

    Let's say you're both honest, nothing's there between you, but that changes as you reside under the same roof. Again, it's a heart matter... did the change come due to the 'natural' progression of things, or did one of you intend for it to go that way, anyway, and manuevered and manipulated the entire matter to GET to that point?

    As long as you two are honest with EACH OTHER... and any others 'significants' you might have in your life... residing under one roof is not a sin... nor does it necessarily LEAD to sin. It is what is in OUR hearts... our own DESIRES... that lead to sin... which is doing that which we KNOW... IN OUR HEARTS... is 'wrong'. Thus, we have been given a conscience to either accuse... or excuse... us.

    And, even in the event we DO sin... we have a 'helper', the holy spirit from God, which helper can 'cleanse' us with its bath. But, one must recognize the uncleanness, acknowledge it, and ASK to be 'bathed'.

    It is religion that condemns us, JH1, to pay the 'wage' of sin. My Father, however, by means of the blood of my Lord... holy spirit... grants us the FREE 'gift'... of everlasting life. We don't deserve it; we never did... and never can. We can, indeed, attempt to 'walk by spirit' and thus 'carry out no sin at all', but that has to do with our HEARTS... much more so than our flesh.

    I hope this helps, JH1, and I remain...

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • stephenw20


    there are a lot of wonderful responses here, and regardless of your age , except you are both legal, its about intention.

    Dont fool your self or her or her do the same, as " hey lets just see what happens."

    If you can make a decision that goes against what you see as norm , be ready to have the integritiy to stand up for this belief.I would not say this but it seems the basis for your question. if your intention is a financial one, and you two are friends then what could be the problem.

    if its a back door attempt for romance, remember the blade cuts both ways....... she will always be there...even if things turn sour...... if she has or you have other of you could get hurt.

    all in all no one has the right to judge you, its your life. so I guess thats what this lesson is,today, for you


  • funkyderek


    When you've been out for a long time you tend to forget that something like that isn't really an issue in the real world. I share a house with two guys and a girl, and everything's great. Nothing sexual has happened or is likely to. (I did nail one of her friends yesterday, though which is an advantage worth considering!) Go for it!

    Ubi dubium ibi libertas

  • AGuest

    Or maybe she... 'nailed'... you.



  • funkyderek
    Or maybe she... 'nailed'... you.

    Either way, I got laid!

    Ubi dubium ibi libertas

  • logical

    i wish a woman would "nail" me

  • AGuest
    i wish a woman would "nail" me

    May I ask, to what, specifically, 'Log? 'Cause I don't think the 'stake' thing is allowed anymore...


    SJ (on my own... again)

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    jayhawk, if you have no sexual feelings for her, and she has none for you, then let her move in. if you guys are like cousins you will proly have tons of fun! do whatever YOU feel is right.

    peace, mango

    life is but a dream...

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