As usual, Hillary is best at saying nada.
Branch Split in the Watchtower Kingdom
by slimboyfat 37 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Just because rejected your sexual advances yet again, no need to take out your frustrations on me. Anyway what do you expect for $5.00, cheapskate.
It took you 2 minutes for that? Come now, my little shepherd boy.
And the Irish branch split in the 1980s was before the Internet - now any Branch split would be all over the world in minutes - the potential ramifications are enormous
What Irish Branch Split in the 1980's? Best regards - HS
C'mon, it's St. Patty's Day here. Stilla's a little drunk.
It took you 2 minutes for that? Come now, my little shepherd boy.
From what I hear, you are the 'two minute' man, not my good self - mind you with looks like these who can blame you?
Another thing that needs to be understood is that economic factors are a strong signal to direction of the WTS.
For example, when it became common knowledge just how expensive the Patterson complex was, contributions began dip. Envelopes began to appear in the contibution boxes with a specific target written on the envelope rather than cash just being donated for the vague 'Kingdom Interests'.
People work hard for their cash and one of the easiest ways for a JW to show their growing uneasiness with the direction of the WTS is to vote with their purses. When a survey of sorts was made on this board some while ago, numerous posters admitted that they had stopped contributing in their Kingdoms Halls often for years before they left the WTS.
This is a trend that will grow and that will effect the way the policies are drawn up in Brooklyn. Thw WTS is an enormously wealthy and powerful organization, but it does look at its bottom line as every corporation should. They have proved this in recent times by undertaking a world-wide cost cutting policy, outsourcing many aspects of Bethel life. Now they have the advice of 'worldy' accountants to draw on, they will streamline their operation even more.
When one sees the social reigns being tightened, it may not be a matter of doctrinal challenges at play but economic ones.
Hillary.....thanks for adding on an extra minute!