My Grandpa may pass away tonight

by cindykp 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • cindykp

    Large, who you callin large!

  • kls

    Ummm ,oh you know ,ahhh,,JH ,ya that's it!!!!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,REALLY

  • Dragonlady76

    I'm so sorry Cindy. Remeber to keep your chin up, he is your grandpa not the congs.


  • cindykp

    Maybe its just the situation, but it makes me wonder how after all these years, he decides to become one of JW's. When they asked him in the nursing home what religion he was, It wasnt catholic, it was a JW! Just freaky, and I guess it makes me thing a little. Not alot, just a little!!!!!

  • hooberus
  • cruzanheart

    Cindy, my grandfather on my mother's side was Greek Orthodox, and my parents became Witnesses about a year before he died. Mom told me that when she had the funeral none of her Witness friends came to be with her because it was in a church. That hurt her feelings a lot.

    When people put religion ahead of Jesus' commands of love, people suffer. Religion doesn't give a damn. It will continue and there will always be poor sods that will follow it like little robots because rules make them feel safe. But if you follow your heart you will always have blessings.

    Your grandpa, I hope, knows how you feel about him, and that's what counts. Funerals are to ease the pain of the living and if his funeral makes you feel worse, there's no point. You can hold your own private service any way that helps you find closure and peace.



  • cindykp

    You know what is really sad about this whole thing? Is not that my grandpa, at age 92 is passing!!!!!!!!!!!!! He lived his life. It's the jw's that cant come up to me and hug me when Im crying, family that will not!!!!!!!!! Especially family! I cant cry and hug either one of my uncles, cause they are both elders. Thats just wrong! Goes to show......................................................................

  • kls

    Ahh Cindy if i can get my arms around ya i would give you a BIG hug,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sorry you have to be so sad

  • cindykp

    Thanks kls!

  • cindykp

    I told my boyfriend tonigh, I will get more loving response from this forum, than I would ever get from anyone who is one of JW's! And I was right! I have had more love in this forum, than I have ever had in the 18 years growing up in the "truth"! I am thankfull that I have people to talk to that understand, and acutually CARE!

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