You know you're NOT a JW anymore when...(add some)

by Flindersgirl 55 Replies latest social humour

  • Valis
    Yeah, I wondered about that too! What made it worst was that my grandfather was "annointed" and so is my mother.

    Else, they obviously need some of this...I hear it works on ringworm too..

  • BrendaCloutier

    Hmmmm AnOintment in a Jar.... Think it would work?

    I can joke about JW'ism and not look around for whom I might have offended.

    I can go into an AA meeting in the basement of a church and not fear being struck down by lightening.

    I own only one dress.

    Memorial? Who cares about Memorial?!

    I swear. (Hey, my Elder dad taught me !)

    I love apostates!

  • GetBusyLiving

    :The WT picture of the whore of Babylon just doesn't ?do it for you? any more.

    altYou beauty you.

    I can honestly say my first sexual thoughts as a youngster was having sex with Babylon the Great. Thats even bad in apostataland isnt it?

  • jillbedford

    When you can devote the time you used spend in field service, for me that was 90 hours a month, doing work helping others in a way that really matters, like doing charity work. When you arrive at the charity locale, they are truly happy to see you are glad you came.

    Not waking anyone up on Saturday morning to ask if they would like to go without holidays and change to JW. This is how I learned to back up in my car better than anyone I know. I can go backwards for miles. And I have.

    Being able to donate blood when you have a sick friend. Or just because it is the right thing to do.

    Being able to speak to everyone and ask how they are doing no matter what their religious affiliation is.

    Re-uniting with family, who were shunned before because they dared to question the WTB&TS. So they were all D'fd. They thankfully forgive me for the years apart. Blood is thicker than water.

    Not hiding when you see JW out in service in your neighborhood. Calling security instead as there is no soliciting allowed.

    Finding happiness and contentment for the first time.

    Not settling because this is all you know.

  • Crumpet

    GBL - baby you need help - like serious help!

    LOL! xx

  • talesin

    You no longer feel Jehover reading your thoughts and looking over your shoulder.

    You go to the local franchise restaurant on your birthday, and get the free dessert lit up with a sparkler and the whole place sings "Happy Birthday" to you.

    Yes, I know it's cheezy, but hey, it's soooooooooo normal! So you just do it, because you can!


  • GetBusyLiving

    Hey I was 5!! What you gonna do??

  • truth_about_the_truth

    You regularly view and enjoy sites like this. Isn't that right all you lurkers??

  • seattleniceguy

    Seeing facial hair on a person no longer makes you doubt their integrity.

    You stop being afraid your co-workers might ask you over for dinner.

    You realize that one week contains an absolutely enormous amount of time!

    Flindersgirl, welcome to the board! Nice first thread! Looking forward to seeing you around.


  • Effervescent

    ...You have a blast helping your kids make Valentines for their class or dye Easter eggs.

    ...You have self-esteem again.

    ... You're sitting in a church singing songs accompanied by a band (electric guitar and all) that ROCKS.

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