Since you were an elder, didn't that one guy say for like a hundred years, I want to ask you a question. Before I ask thought let me state this. I am not here to start an discussion about dotrine. I feel everyone has a right to chose what to believe in. I personally feel that Jehovah is God and what he says is true. I feel really hurt thought at how I see god's sheep (myslef included) being treated. That's why I responded to your post, it struck a chord with me emotionally. I agree that just because one is Df'd doesn't mean God doesn't approve of him. Because of this time for repentance factor there are mistakes being made. Now most Elders that you ask questions of give you a beaten around the bush answer. They don't come straight out and answer your question. that always frustrates me. You seem pretty straight forward.
Now on to my question. Why would Elders literally try to keep a couple (both in good standing) from getting married? I mean they really sat down with the girl and told what other choices of brothers she had out there ( all of which completely turned her off). they didn't know that the couple they were trying to keep apart had already gotten married ( they hadn't told anybody at that point in time). And why would the PO actually scream at the girl during at commitee meeting? Isn't there some rule that, that is inappropriate behaviour during a comittee meeting? By the way the couple has been married for over 13 years. wow they prove them wrong didn't they.