UN & wife

by tepic 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tepic

    When I looked up the UN website & found the WT as a NGO I told my wife. She implied that it was an apostate site. I told her 'I typed in United Nations' , How are apostates going to hijack the UN site?

    Similar reactions??

  • whyamihere

    Tell her my Uncle is Ciro and I saw the UN LIB Card he so wanted to show everyone!


  • talesin


    I offered to show my parents myself. I told them to get their friend (who OWNS a computer business!) to look it up.

    NOPE. It's all made up. Don't you know that anyone can create a fake UN website?

    mwaaa ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!


  • AlmostAtheist

    I assume you got the NGO letter directly from the un.org web site? http://www.un.org/dpi/ngosection/watchtower.pdf

    If she has any doubts that they actually were an NGO registered with the DPI at the UN, have her call the Watchtower and ask. Gina called and they admitted it to her, though of course they said it had been overblown, it didn't mean anything, blah, blah. I think there's great value in having the Watchtower admit to you personally that they were riding the scarlet-colored wild beast. (Or is it the image of the beast, never can remember) Their number is 718-560-5000.

    No matter what excuse they give, they will admit they were a member. The article about YMCA membership says that a JW could not join the YMCA because it makes them a party to the beliefs and goals of the organization. Double-standard? You bet.


  • Bryan

    Here is a great link which compairs the Watchtower in bed with the UN and their stand against R&F having a membership with the YMCA.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • whyamihere

    Best Thing about Joining the YMCA I see no JW's!


  • lonelysheep
    She implied that it was an apostate site.

    That's what she's programmed to say. Anything against the wt is "all lies and apostates...and apostates lie", though it's really the wt that lies.

    I sent the same link to the two ladies who conducted my study. Of course, no reply. But that part of the email, I wrote:

    We're warned of the UN being the wild beast yet it was ok for the society to be a part of them??!! Library purposes or not, it's no excuse to be a part of them yet preach otherwise during the talks and magazines.

    This is from the UN's website...not an apostate site. http://www.un.org/dpi/ngosectio n/watchtower.pdf

    I doubt if they even looked at it, but I'm glad I sent it to them. Courtesy of the UN!

  • mkr32208

    Best advice is to write or call crooklyn they will tell her that they were... They will LIE about the motive saying it was for a library card (thats why writing is better they send you the lie in writing) Then show her the UN letter that said you didn't have to join to get a library card... Just so you know, she won't care!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I emailed the UN directly and copied the reply to show my niece - first words out of her mouth 'is this made up by apostates'? Just programmed response - I told her to go and do a search for the UN site - so that I was not involved - then search on the site for 'watchtower' - she would find the news release herself - don't know if she did.

    Sometimes ignorance is bliss to dubs.


  • GetBusyLiving

    That just blows me away that witnesses can push and rationalize everything out like that! They just want to live that life of no alarms, no surprizes. They just want to keep their dreams.

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