My husband who was never a JW does not see the humor in this - but I knew ya'll would.
Occasionally I will ask my mother (a devout JW) a biblical question to get her thinking. I used to ask her a lot of questions, but it put a strain on our relationship and I finally decided I just needed to love her and accept her the way she is. However, there are some times when I just can't resist. So - I asked her something from the bible that I knew she couldn't answer without really twisting what the bible said.
My mom forwards my question on to an elder, who sent me a letter and basically never answered the question either - but did commend me on continuing to read my bible and be considering these things (of course - neither my mom or this elder know that I am now a Christian who regularly attends church, and in fact, am in a children's leadership role at this new church).
Here's the cincher - this is the last part of the letter...
Now xxxx, let me again encourage you to submit your brief letter for reinstatement to the flock of Jehovah's people. Satan will indeed put obstacles/stumbling blocks in your path - but view them as stepping stones to life and not stumbling stones/blocks. This is one of the best long-term investments you'll ever make. I know XXX would be overjoyed to see you there when he is awaken from sleep. Hurry now, lets get going!
So - I guess, since I've been out so long, I've been...........pre-approved for reinstatement. I just need to hurry now - and submit my brief letter. Kind of like the 0% interest pre-approved credit card!! I'm so excited - do you suppose that if I Hurry now and submit my brief letter, they'll still let me work in children's leadership?