Distant cousin------Tony Blair
Related to Anyone Famous?
by the_classicist 47 Replies latest jw friends
My great great great great grandmother was cousins with Ned Kelly well know aussie bush ranger
Thomas Edison (on my dad's side)
Somehow possibly the Bush's. My grandmother was a Walker but I don't know the full connection.
My great great (and more greats) grandmother was a cousin of Benedict Arnold.
My father's mother was a cousin to Grover Cleveland.
My mother is a cousin to Princess Diana's maternal grandfather (or grandmother.............can't remember exactly............anyway, one of them married an American in Mom's family). Nathan Hale is in there too in that line.
I am a direct descendant of Roger Conant, the founder of Salem MA and militant Puritan.
Since I am a genealogy nutcase, I have found many pretty well known ancestors.
The only living famous person I know of is Frank Gifford, 4th cousin. Never met him.
My wife is a second cousin to one of the main characters on "Desperate Housewives" and I'm sleeping with my wife so that means........I'm sleeping with my wife and we like "Desperate Housewives" the show.
Thunder Rider
I'm married to a published author, does that count?
Thunder -
We were talking about this the other night, and my 8 year old grandson (Princess' son) said his Dad is famous. So, we asked him what he meant. And he said "well my Dad has a big truck with his name on it and he drives all over the place, in that truck. Everyone knows him, so he's famous."
I thought it was great.
Ah Jeannie - that would explain your one eye and one arm too! hehe!
Naw, no duels over married women for me.... hahaha J