Yeah, I know a lot of people are really bugged by the chip on the shoulder that the JW defenders have, but we all know that what they blurt out ultimately comes from the top. I just think we ought to be somewhat understanding of what's going on in their heads (since many have been there) and give them just a few extra allowances for that. How many times has SOJ been told to buzz off? But we can see that behind the preprogrammed, knee-jerk, holier-than-thow front there might be a real human being working through issues.
To, A Friend in Need
by calamityjane 28 Replies latest jw experiences
How many times has SOJ been told to buzz off?
M.J. that is so true.
But we can see that behind the preprogrammed, knee-jerk, holier-than-thow front there might be a real human being working through issues.
That's right and if AFIN would be nice or say something worthwhile in her/his defence and not so condescending, then she/he may be more readily accepted here.
Avishai. point what out the hit and run factor?
Nope, that AFIN is a liar. I went and did so!
Nope, that AFIN is a liar. I went and did so!
There is something definetely wrong with someone who comes here and says that she doesn't like the "spirit" here, and will leave---only to come back and zero in on the ONE thread that SOJ has posted---and takes a shot at him!
We're not stupid! She has to be watching this board very closely to just "happen" to come in at the right time! What happened---the board isn't as BAD" as you thought, Afin? You have proven yourself to be a liar, as Avishai said.
First you defy the elders/ GB/ WTS in even being here, then posting a whole lot, (against the rules) AND then lying too!
Have you NO shame?
We'll leave the on for ya.
What hope is there outside of the organization???
Afin had said this in the "other" thread.
As with all JWs, this fear is implanted into their brains from the onset, with the additional thinking that with ALL the mistakes that the WTS has made and continues to make---that they are the "best" religion around so where would we go?
Once again, the phrase is WHO would we go TO? There is only one true God and his perfect son, Jesus Christ. There have been many "copies" of them and many imperfect men claiming to be them, or be "spirit-directed" by them.
The WTS has proven to be a sham and a fraud, and cannot prove all their wild claims to be THE only religion that God approves of, OR that God whispers to them on what his plans are. They have NEVER gotten one prediction right, and have had ridiculous doctrines that they taught as TRUTH---only to have changes made when it was proven they didn't have a clue what they were talking about.
The more you come on here and spout your WTS foolishness, the more ridiculous you appear. You cannot successfully defend the undefendable. Believe me---I tried. And I looked as foolish as you do.
Stop being a Drama queen and telling us that you're gonna stop posting here---and then come back and do just that.
Poor kid always log's off with her shorts shredded, urm, figuratively speaking...
Personally, I believe that either AFIN is in her own mental crisis over what she has learned here and is acting out in anger, or she is just playing with us.
Either way, no problemo. If she gets past the anger and starts to reason with her rusty dusty brain for herself she'll come around and we'll all have a good laugh and a beer. If not, it's good practice at remembering all the reasons I'm not a witness, and the adrenalin rush is kinda cool. She's got my undies in a bunch a time or two... lol
So if you don't want to become one of us terrible apostates, I think you better hightail it out of here while you still have your jw mindset in tact.
It's just a matter of time before AFIN tells the local elders the truth about the truth
I think we all see the "programed" guilt that is in AFIN. I had it and I'm sure many of us have had it. I had a programed guilt has well as a programed fear of "apostates", I hate that word. I remember growing up and going to District Conventions and seeing some "apostates" outside picketing during lunch. I know I had a fear from being taught that they were crazy eyed Satan worshipers and may kidnap me if I got to close. I believe it is this fear that has taken AFIN and guilt from even being on this board. Guilt and fear are the two biggest tools the WBTS uses.