And I bet he time was counted writing that letter! Qwerty
Letter from PO......opinions????
by jillbedford 25 Replies latest jw experiences
His comments are so typical. It reminds me of one of those Chatty Cathy dolls. You keep pulling the string and she keeps saying the same old things over and over again.
So funny. Really though, I agree with Odrade.. you cant win with JW's because he really believes the crap he wrote to you. Its really selfish but what can you do, thats the way they are. I never tell any other JW's that I regularly donate to some charities and have been doing so for several years because what he wrote is how they really feel.
Doesn't he know who you are? Anyway, I'd just send him a thank you, and tell him that you are aware of the verses he pointed out, but that in this case, you prefer James 2:16.
"If one of you says to him, ?Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,? but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?" (NIV)
And then tell him that you cannot, in good conscience, ignore that Scripture. -
Have you ever wondered if all the Bethalites and all the pioneers and all the volunteers ever put their time and effort and energies towards curing cancer or doing something that actually produces results where we might be?
I pioneered for years and when I look back at it, I don't feel like I did any good at all. I would be so proud if I were you for training and getting into the marathon. Not only are you helping out a good cause but you are using your body in a healthy way to prevent disease yourself. That is just WONDERFUL! Cheering your on 100%!!!
I'm just wondering why you would send letters seeking donations to members of a faith that you have written off as pointless, wrong, and generally in the dark? Seems like you're just looking to find fault (hah, hah...they're doing exactly what I expected). Would you expect such ignorant people to rise to your level?
I agree with garybuss (I seem to be saying that a lot lately; maybe I just like his hat?): the felt obligated to give something but felt a time to preach too: and count the time, of course!
Aaaaahhh, letter writing. MOST -- INEFFEICIENT -- PREACHING -- METHOD -- *EVER*. But also easiest way to "get your time in". You can do it in your PJs.
I agree that a thank you sould be sent, and was going to suggest completely ignoring their "join the cult infomercial" but I think I like Uzzah's suggestion even better: you are doing something that helps NOW!!!! Let them know that while they lay about waiting for Jahoobee to fix everything, you are taking action.