Letter from PO......opinions????

by jillbedford 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jillbedford

    After leaving JW, being a former regular pioneer for many years, I wanted to still help others is a meaningful way. This year I am raising money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I am training to run a Marathon, 26.2 miles as part of my fund raising. I have been sending letters to all my friends and family over the last several months asking for financial support. Any amount is appreciated, I do suggest a 26 dollar donation, thinking one dollar a mile. So far I have been overwhelming by the generosity and support of my friends. I haven't heard back from any witnesses. Yes I sent all my old witness friends and family letters as well.

    I send a letter to my PO in the congregation I would be assigned to if I went. He and his wife have been by several times. They are a very nice couple.

    I just got a 5 dollar contribution in mail from this brother, enclosed with a letter. So far the donation have been more generous than 5 dollars, but maybe that is all they can afford. Although they do live in a house 5 times more expensive than the apartment I live in. Also enclosed with donation so far have been notes such as, "Wish you the best! Best wishes on your training!"

    In response to all donations so far, I have written a personal thank you note to that oerson, letting them know there donations will go directly to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. That all things in life have a way of coming back to you. That there generosity will be rewarded. I let them know how training is going. And make a few comments to wish them well personally.

    I am puzzled as to the best response to this donation. Please give me your advice.

    This is the letter I got from the PO (I have edited names for their privacy):

    Dear Jill,

    *** & I would like to be able to speak to you in person, but we do want to respond to your letter regarding your running in the Country Music Marathon. Many people do many things that has some effect on the problems of this system of things. We also are running in a race for everlasting life, where there will be no more pain or sickness, or sadness.

    Rev 21:3-5 "With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning no outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. And the One seated on the throne said: Look! I am making all things new. Also, he says: Write, because these words are faithful and true."

    Isa 53:4 Truly our sicknesses were what he himself carried; and as for our pains, he bore them. But we ourselves accounted him as plagued, stricken by God and afflicted.

    Matt 8:17 that there might be fulfilled what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying, "He himself took our sicknesses and carried our diseases."

    The invitation to run in this race from Jehovah and Christ Jesus our reigning King and High Priest. These are the ones who will do away with all sickness.

    And that is why we are answering, the call from Jehovah and the command from Jesus to do this work.

    Isa 6:8 And I began to hear the voice of Jehovah saying: " Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? And I proceeded to say: Here I am! Send me."

    Matt 28:18-20 And Jesus approached and spoke to them saying, "All authority has been given me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of people of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things."

    So it is ***'s and my priviledge to share in a work that is being done by volunteers in upward of 200 lands. In all these lands, people are being invited to benefit from a program that helps people learn the Bible's answers to such questions as:

    1. Why do we grow old and die?

    2. What is the purpose of life?

    3. How can you find real happiness?

    We engage in this activity because we are genuinely interested in you and others. it is our hope that someday soon we will be able to talk to you again in Person. Please feel free call us.


    ****** & ***

    (Also enclosed was the "Life in a Peaceful New World" tract.)

  • Odrade

    Depends on if you want to get into the JW argument with them. If it were me, I would just ignore all the preachy crap, and send him the thank you, worded just like all the others.

    and, btw, hahahahaha about that letter. He talks to you like you have NO CLUE about the preaching work. What is with that? "We do this work... blah blah blah... 200 lands..."

    He does know you did the pioneer thing, right? So you probably can quote his little "speech" right back to him word for word. Geez, they really do think we forget everything when we leave.

  • garybuss

    He felt like he was doing something wrong by sending you the five bucks and he felt he was a cheap ass if he didn't. The letter was his payment to his conscience. Now all is level again in happy land.

  • minimus

    I'm with Odrade.

  • mustang

    It's like a JW funeral, natch... He turned it into a #$%&^* commercial for their "cause". I quit going to JW funerals, & that means no more KH's for me, period. So, I would ignore this overture.

    Odrade's suggestion is good if you don't ignore it.

    BTW, you can go to the bank on him "counting time on you" for this.

    BTW #2: that always irked me, that they thought you couldn?t "see them coming" with their next move; they are so predictable and that means that they are very "transparent". (Like when my father and another "bro" would "sneak up on me", trying to talk me back into going to meetings: I said fine, I MIGHT go back to meetings, but I will NEVER go out in FS anymore!!! )


  • AlmostAtheist

    Agree with Gary on his motive, and add that he probably wanted to send the letter more than the donation. It was probably the donation that was the conscience-salver.

    My opinion - Like Odrade said, standard thank you note, just like everybody else.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I would send a letter of thanx. Finding a creative way to say " I know all the scriptures you state - did u remember [forget] I was a pioneer for several years?" Some thing like that. What an insult to you !

    Just my opinion


  • mustang

    "My opinion - Like Odrade said, standard thank you note, just like everybody else."

    Add a "Form #" down at the bottom, for effect. That might get the point across that you really ignored him.


  • Honesty

    Why did Jesus extend charity and help to others who were suffering? Aren't christians supposed to follow His example of feeding the poor and assisting the physically and mentally ill?

    Scriptures are great if you apply all of them in your life. However, compassion, mercy and kindness go a lot further than bombarding people with scriptures all the time. Notice that Jesus very seldom referred to scriptures when He was feeding and healing people. His lifestyle showed how He really felt about others, even the false religious leaders were extended sympathy and concern for their well being by Him.

    Ask them what the Greek phrase, ta ethne', that Jesus used when he told His disciples to preach to all the nations means and why are the JW's so quiet about their activity in Saudi Arabia, The Sudan, Ethiopia, Iraq, Iran, and other non christian lands when other christian denominations are very vocal in these places?

    Do the JW's preach to all of the 10,500 plus ethnic groups and tribes today?

    Where are all the mentally and physically challenged people? I have seen very few of these become Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Why do the mainstream Christian denominations have so many children as members, many who worship without their parents?

    On second thought, it may be better not to ask any questions. Those JC's have a habit of forming almost overnight when questions arise within the organisation.

    At least we can be thankful the elder did see fit to make a contribution which is so unlike most Jehovah's Witnesses when it comes to donating anything except to the WTBTS.

  • garybuss

    It probably took him 5 hours to write that letter with a pop sickle stick taped to his nose. He counted time for it.


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