Do your dreams affect your life....

by Crumpet 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    Wow Wednesday I certainly did not expect to move anybody with this post, but I was personally very moved. The dream really was incredible to wake up from. I never woke up so happy, like I had been unlocked. It may sound dumb but I did smile at myslef in the mirror earlier and thought that I just seemed, different, nicer, calmer and just felt more settled!

    What is your experience re dreams or children? Either is relevant and I welcome hi jacking of my thread for humourous and positive thought which i think are mutually inclusive.

    Thank you Wednesday. I will be keeping this in my diary, because you have made this memorable for me although I would love to hear more from the Cayman Islands.


  • wednesday

    OK take your dream, and write it down. Really think back to it, and live that dream. Identify the characters. What are they doing? what do they say to each other? no detail is too small. If u just ask each child in the dream what is happening, u will be surprised what they will reveal . it may take a few dreams before u can figure out how to do this, but my doc and I have unraveled some very interesting dreams. Goggle gestalt and read abut it. it is just a method of interpreting dreams. I'm glad your dream was good and left u with a good feeling.

    There is nothing superstitious about this. It is a proven method to untangle your dreams. your dreams of course reveal what is on your mind. my doc uses it as an adjunct to help me recover form the abuse i went through. As I said, i read your story and was overwhelmed by the amount of abuse u have been through. With the help of a therapist, it would be good to go back and try and sort out your feelings. The kind of abuse u have been through leaves a mark. Therapy is a real blessing. If money is limited, check out the county health department and see about counseling. Or u may be able to talk with Lady Lee when she returns to the board. She has a web site and is an abuse survivor herself. Look under the "best of" section and read some stories.

    BTW, I wish i did live in the caymans,several of us put up fantasy places for privacy sake..

    take care crumpet


  • Crumpet

    Hey Wednesday

    Only just found this lovely post from you and the imaginary Caymans! I am going to try this next time I have a dream - do you mean literally within the dream ask the children what they represent? I love this idea and I do believe vaguely something I read once in book about the aborigines called Mutant Message from Forever that we are part of a collective consciousness and we do have all the answers within ourselves and our dreams are keys to the dilemmas we face in our day to day lives. I am very intrigued and am going to have a look on Google for this theory when I get a chance.

    Also can I say that wherever you actually are it is a great comfort and fills me with genuine warmth and joy to know that you have thought of me with compassion. That helps no end - it truly does, so thank you my friend. Its just what I need.

    As for therapy I'm sure it would be a good idea but I'm not sure I'm ready for it yet, even if I could afford it. This board is proving excellent therapy and is free! So I want to ride with this and see how I get on in my personal development. If I can make it past 6 months without doing something to hurt myself during moments of stress then to me that will be half the battle won.


  • googlemagoogle

    i almost never recall my dreams, most of the time i don't even know if i dreamed something or not.

    but lately i had a lot of very "real" dreams, and it usually was about confrontations about the spoof. and i think it does have an impact on my life. i've got no problem critizising mindless "arguments" with my family anymore.

    one dream i can remember, wich felt so real i wasn't sure if it really happened when i woke up:

    bookstudy, "draw closer to jehovah"-book. question was along the lines of what a loving god geehover is. i comented something like "if you'd ever read the bible, you'd find something really different than that wt nonsense. this guy spent all his time killing people, he's not mr. nice guy at all". the conductor responded something like "this of course is not true, may someone give the right answer please". i stood up calling him names, walking out the hall shouting froggin sheethead and stuff, hell it really felt good. remember my moms totally pale face watching me walking out...

    but that wont happen anytime soon.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Ummm....... YEAH!

    When I wake up and my husband's sleeping in the guest bedroom, I know that I've been screaming again.


  • hillbilly
    I wish I could remember my dreams. - Gumby

    Gumb....after looking at some of your postings I think that maybe, just maybe, it's a good thing you DON'T remember your dreams.


  • FlyingHighNow

    I often have what I call angst dreams and less often, very unpleasant nightmares. Even my regular dreams always take place in the night or dusk or twilight. I can only recall one dream during my whole life that was bright and sunny and that one involved a tornado.

    I'd rather not remember those angst dreams or have them in the first place. They leave me feeling tired, from the anxiety they cause, when I should be resting peacefully.

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