Perfection and the Penis

by crossroads 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine
    and some women get turned off when kissing a man with a beard, etc...

    A man has moved far away from his family, not seeing some of his relatives for many many years, since he was just a teenager. His mother finally begs and pleads with him to at least send pictures so she and his aunts can see him in picture if not real life. He searches around for pics of himself, and all he can come up with are pictures taken at a nude beach. So, he figures he will just cut the pic in half and send the part from the waist up to his mother. After slipping the package in the mail slot, he reaches into his shirt pocket, and with horror, realizes he has sent the wrong half!! At this point, he doesn't know what to do, so he does nothing, hoping at best for the mail to be lost.

    A few days later, his mom calls him, sounding quite cheerful, "thanks for the picture son. Your aunt Rizy says 'if you shaved your beard your nose would look much shorter'".

  • bboyneko

    1 Samuel 18

    David and his men went out and killed two hundred Philistines. He brought their foreskins and presented the full number to the king so that he might become the king's son-in-law. Then Saul gave him his daughter Michal in marriage.

    -I hope he removed their foreskins after they were dead! Oy Vey!

  • joelbear

    Beards and backhair rock.

    bear hugs


  • JustAThought

    To the original question, ... two points

    1.) The Bible does not declare man/woman to be a perfect creation.

    2.) God commanded only the Hebrews to be circumcised as a distinguishing characteristic of the fact that they were His people. Sort of like having a ring through the belly button or wearing a jewel in the forehead.

  • crossroads

    A distinguishing mark. Well ladies I guess that must
    have made it easier for the Jewish woman back there.
    Looks like Justathought has all the Jewish men back
    there running around with there pants off. Just a thought
    from a guy sitting at the crossroads waiting for the
    women at this broad to walk by and show me THEIR
    distinguishing mark. I know "I'm just a Dreamin' Man"

    The thread is about Perfection and what we as JW'S
    were taught it to be. Or what mankind thinks it is?
    Are not dolphins perfect---they can't fly, they can't live
    forever, they can't doctor their young, but they are perfect
    being dolphins are they not. As Lennon wrote "God is a
    concept" I think man has made perfection into a concept
    that is unattainable----we are perfact humans(sad as that
    may seem to many) as we sit at our keyboards.

  • LDH

    Crossroads, it is a good thread. Perfection is subject to environment, is it not?

    Mulan, you mention your father again as a Doctor. I know he is a Natureopath. I do respect Natureopaths but am unable to receive them as 'Doctors' since they have had no formal training or clinical studies, no "test" to qualify whether they are a good natureopath or a bad one.

    Circumcision was just as Shelby correctly pointed out (capital bit of humor, BTW Shelby) to differentiate the Jews from their neighbors. It did not, nor does it now, have medical indications.
    85% of the world's men are not circumcised. Are we to believe they are all unclean?

  • AGuest

    A 'final' personal thought from me.. (yeah, right!)

    Peace, ya'll!

    I had my son circumcised, I think on day three (didn't know anything about eight day at the time). Why? Because my stepfather, who was not circumcised HAD to be at about age 46. He said it was the MOST humiliating and painful thing he'd ever undergone. It took him about a week to recover. Was he hygenically unclean? Oh, heck no! This 'dude'... was 'dapper'... and I mean. It's just that he got a 'bacterial infection' due to an 'abrasion' that just never healed right. Antibiotics couldn't cut it (my Lord knows this was probably WAY more than you all wanted to hear... and certainly more than he'd want me to tell... but again, we're all adults for the most part, yes?)

    I pierced my daughters ears myself, when she was three weeks old. I bought those 'self-piercing' earrings... the ones that pierce gradually due to released spring pressure... and put 'em on. She took about a three-hour nap and by the time she woke up, those suckers had gone through her tender ears. She never knew what hit her. Was I wrong? Well, when she was 16, she came to me and said, "Mom, sit down. We gotta talk." OH, LORDY!! 16... and 'we gotta talk'??!!! No, no, no, no, noooooooooooo...

    So, I sat down, took her hand and said, "Whatever it is you gotta tell me, just know that I love you and we'll get through it... together (please Father, HELP me mean this; HELP me stay calm and cool and 'practice' what I just 'preached' to my daughter).

    "Well, Mom, I know you have rules and things, but, well... I've done something you might not like." (Oh, LORD! She's only 16! How in the world are we gonna raise...)

    At that moment, she pulled up her shirt... and showed me... a navel piercing.


    Since that time, she had her ears pierced again to make a second set of holes (which she has let close because she didn't like 'the look' after all), her nose pierced to sport a tiny diamond chip (which she let close to get a job)... and three tatoos... at least one of which she regrets.

    I remember asking my Lord about the tatoos... "The SOCIETY said tatoos are 'taboo'... and now that I've read it, so does the Law Covenant." His answer? "You gonna make her stop eating ham sandwiches and shrimp, too? The Law Covenant, child, was IMPALED... with me. There is a NEW Covenant now, and my Father doesn't see what is on the OUTSIDE... but what is on the inside."

    My circumcised son is 19; my pierced and tatooed daughter is 23. And they are two of my BEST friends in this entire world. They love me... absolutely... and they love my Father and my Lord even more. Their flesh may be 'mutilated'... but their hearts... are intact. Oh, and they are both still spouseless... and childless.

    Again, I bid you all peace...

    A slave of Christ who is also a VERY blessed and grateful mom...


  • Mulan

    I have to reply to LDH on what she said about my father not being a real doctor, due to lack of education and testing. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

    He went to school for 4 additional years after college, (in college he became an electrical engineer) to become a chiropractor after having us kids. He worked days and went to school, at night for all those years, and I remember well, his studying long hours. After being a chiropractor for a few years, he went back to school for ANOTHER 4 YEARS, to become a Naturopath. Many years later, he helped to found Bastyr Naturopathic University, and my brother sat on the board of directors for 8 years. John Bastyr was a family friend. Dad had to pass the exact same state board exams that a medical doctor has to pass, and his score was the highest in his test group.

    I don't know what State you live in, but in Washington State, it was very tough to get his degree. All he had to do, to get an M.D. degree, was an internship, which he almost did. There were three reasons he didn't do that. One, he felt his family had been deprived of him long enough, and he needed to have an income. Two, he would have had to leave the area for a year. Three, he felt it would compromise his credibility as a Naturopath, which he totally believes in. His course was nearly identical to what an Osteopathic Physician takes. And they are M.D.'s too, but usually use the O.D. after their names, to identify their field.

    So, maybe you thought you knew, but you don't.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • Englishman

    Well, I never wanted to be a roundhead, Cavaliers have much more fun!

    It's not that common in the UK, usually a man only gets the chop if a doctor decrees it necessary on health grounds. Having said that, washing at least 3 times a day is essential.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • LDH
    When I said it doesn't affect sexual stuff, I meant that it doesn't do what female circumcision does. That eliminates it for a woman, forever. Okay?

    Let's see. Can a circumcised woman have an orgasm? Let's ask the source.

    COMMENT: Soon or later, we might find that Europeans have taken to female circumcision just like they eventually took on male circumcision. However, before they fully understand its value, they have to irrationally condemn it.

    Or how about his page where women who've been circumcised state that they CHOSE to have it done to improve their orgasm?

    I'm a female, and I was circumcised a little over two years ago to correct a problem of a hidden clitoris, I couldn't get enough stimulation to it normally, without going through some uncomfortable maneuvers. I had a friend who had it done and it helped her, so I complained to my GYN about my difficulties. My GYN was hesitant to do it and I had to tell her several times how much trouble I was having reaching orgasm during intercourse because I had such a long hood. Finally I said I would do it myself if she refused. This got her attention and we set up an appointment a few days later and she circumcised me. She had me sign a paper that she was not responsible for any problems caused by the operation and it was at my request. I guess she was protecting herself since so many DR's are being sued if something goes wrong.

    The results of the operation were wonderful and I only wish I had known about it sooner.

    As far as the hypersensitivity issue, it's more a matter of getting used to the feeling and mentally putting it out of your mind until you have sex.

    Kathy (USA)

    So you see, a woman who has had an orgasm can report not only improved cleanliness but also an improved sex life. Hmmm, sounds a lot like the 'benefits' of male circumcision.

    DoNOT compare Female Genital Mutilation to Female Circumcision. No more than we should compare Male Genital Mutilation to Male Circumcision.

    The issue here is informed consent, which minors do not have. Just as they are unable to advocate for getting blood in an emergency, they are unable to advocate about having their penises cut.

    Mulan, as far as your father's qualifications of being a Natureopath, not only am I familiar with them, when I go to the Doctor I see an OD. So I am quite familiar with the terms as well as their qualifications.

    The reasons you state that he chose not to do an internship? Whatever. I am pregnant, and I chose to see a BOARD CERTIFIED OB-GYN. A regular OB-GYN is an MD, just does NOT meet my qualifications when I am having a personal visit regarding my health. My personal opinion is, once you've gone through all that training, what are you afraid of? Sit for the Boards. To me, it says a LOT about someone who doesn't.

    So, as you can see, I CLEARLY know what I'm talking about. Like I said, I have respect for Natureopaths. I have a LOT MORE RESPECT for Osteopaths.

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