If one accepts the account as truthful, then Eve was not at fault, as she only wanted something good for herself and Adam, so she made a choice based on the available evidence. If anyone was a wrongdoer, it was Jehovah, who tried to withhold knowledge from the human couple, and lied about the consequences, telling them that "in the day you eat from it (the tree) you will positively die". The serpent (NOT the Satan of later writings) told the truth "You positively will not die, for God knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God, knowing good and bad." "Then the eyes of both of them became opened...." Gen 3:7 "And Jehovah God went on to say 'Here, the man has become like one of US in knowing good and bad...." So all the days of Adam that he lived amounted to 930 years, then he died". So, if one accepts this account as truthful, Jehovah bluffed, threatening death "in the day you eat from it". The account shows that this did NOT happen, instead Adam lived 930 years, and Eve lived enough years to become mother to many, many children. The verse about "one day with Jehovah being as a thousand years" simply doesn't apply here, as Adam and Eve would have had no idea about the concept of a thousand years, they would have interpreted "day" the same way it is commonly used now. The serpent spoke truthfully when he said "your eyes will become opened, and you will become like God, knowing good and bad." The account records that God himself admitted this to have happened. The underlying message of this account is not historical accuracy, but rather, "Do what we (that is, Gods representatives) tell you, and don't ask questions.