rwagoner.. thanks for the heads up on million dollar baby.

by candidlynuts 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    re: your comments under gumbys sunday school thread

    my companion is disabled, he'd be crushed if he watched that movie! he fights depression all the time being disabled.

    losing the use of his legs was very difficult for him. he didnt really feel like life wasnt worth living till he lost the ability to have sex. and next comes losing bladder control etc...all these things people arrogantly say " i'd kill myself before i lived THAT way".

    but he's so important to so many lives, and we're so grateful for every day we have with him and hope he lives many many more years. he's come to terms with his disabilities as we have and our lives are pretty good considering. it takes a braver person to live with disabilities than it does to commit suicide or have a "friend" pull the plug or whatever happens in that movie.

    so. thanks for the heads up on the content of that movie..its one we'll avoid watching. his dark days arent just hard on him its hard on the entire household, and breaks my heart. for the most part though he's upbeat, knows he's needed and thank god his friends are hero's and insist on being part of our lives, helping when they can but mostly just being the friends they've always been . thru health and sickness.

  • el jarocho mayor
    el jarocho mayor

    Is it really the easy way out? or does it take more guts than you and I can fathom. Every head is its own world.

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    A woman has the right to choose to keep or end an umwanted pregnancy.

    Every adult has the right to choose to live or die.

    What is immoral is another person making those choices against her or his will.

  • candidlynuts

    i KNOW it takes more guts to live in the case of my companion. he has a DNR in place if he ever gets into a vegatative state or his organs start to fail. but that makes sense for all of us to have if thats our wish.

    i havent seen the movie to judge it.

  • melmac

    You are very strong people. More than any movie character will be. God bless you.

  • rwagoner

    Thanks Candidly....

    I think it is the "Generalized" attitude of " i'd kill myself before i lived THAT way" that hurts and offends me so much.

    While I don't agree personally, I don't deny someone the right to chose to end their own life.

    HOWEVER I DO NOT AGREE WITH the stereotyping and generalization that living with a disability is a fate worse than death and it is far more courageous to face the dark face of death than it would be to survive, fight and live.

    I use a wheelchair...I am NOT "wheelchair bound" or "confined to a wheelchair" chair is a tool to allow me to function productively and independently. My wife loves me....My son and daughter love me...I pay a crapload of taxes because I earn a decent wage as well as operate a successful business and I am happy and active.

    Do I have constant pain ? yep.... Do I struggle to manage my pain ? yep... Am I in and out of the hospital a lot ? yep... Will my disability continue to get worse as I get older ? yep... Should I kill myself because of that ? Some may like to see me do it...but I certainly won't and why ? Because life is precious.

    If I had a terminal disease of some kind and knew with a certainty that there was no hope of treatment or survival then I would certainly have a DNR to avoid prolonging the inevitable. What I see in hollywood however is encouraging drastic measures when someone loses the use of their legs or becomes a quadrapelegic or developes some other disability. These conditions are certainly a struggle but many people have proven time and time again that it is possible to lead productive active lives with such disabilities.

    As a person with a disability.....we have enough stuggles and barriers in our way both physical and attitudinal...we don't need hollywood glorifying the stereotype that it is not worth living if you have a disability. We don't need movies that make heros out of people who sneak into a hospital and kill someone, whatever the reason.

    Obviously I am biased on this issue....I don't like people devalueing my life or saying they would rather die than live like I is offensive and sickening to me for people to actually say that to someone. I would never say, "Oh my God...I would rather die than be black" or I would kill myself rather than be gay". Those statements are offensive...I just can't understand why people can't see why it is offensive to us, as people with disabilities to hear those same statements about our lives.

    I wear a tattoo on my arm of three red crosses and the word Kruppel. During the early days of the nazis they perfected their killing methods on 350,000 of my people...people with disabilities in a program called T4. They called us "worthless eaters" because they felt our lives were of no value and we only burdened the system. People with disabilities were checked by three doctors who each places a red cross on their chart along with their affliction...cripple, spastic, mental idiots - lovely words - deaf, blind...whatever the case may be. Once there were 3 red crosses on the chart...the person was killed. I wear my 3 red crosses and my affliction "Kruppel" to help educate people that I am NOT a "worthless eater" and I will not sit quietly as I am wheeled to the gas chamber or the doctor's office or as someone sneaks into the rehab center or hospital that I am in...looking to be a hero.

    Ok...enough ranting.....back to my rocking chair and shawl where us cripples belong. LOL

  • MegaDude
    What I see in hollywood however is encouraging drastic measures when someone loses the use of their legs or becomes a quadrapelegic or developes some other disability

    I'm curious. How do you see Hollywood encouraging drastic measures...specifically? Certainly not "Million Dollar Baby"?

  • GetBusyLiving

    :HOWEVER I DO NOT AGREE WITH the stereotyping and generalization that living with a disability is a fate worse than death and it is far more courageous to face the dark face of death than it would be to survive, fight and live.

    I agree with you entirely on this Rwagnor. I have a friend who works out at my gym and he is in great shape.. always positive and loving life. The dude is an example for the rest of us in being greatful for what you have and overcoming problems to come out on top.


  • rwagoner

    Someone sneaking into a rehab center to kill a person who became a quad after a boxing accident and then lost a leg due to shaby medical treatment ? Seems pretty drastic....

    They found her college courses to could have been productive...different from the life she knew before but still a life..but she would rather be dead than disabled...

    Million Dollar Baby is just the most recent example....oddly enough directed by a man who recently was sued for violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act and who asked, "why can't these people (the people with disabilities that expected him to comply with the law) just go away?"

    I'm not crazy about any generalization meaning I don't like the "Super Crip" image either...we're just people, not overly courageous or "special"....but not needing pity either....

  • MegaDude
    Someone sneaking into a rehab center to kill a person who became a quad after a boxing accident and then lost a leg due to shaby medical treatment ? Seems pretty drastic....

    I think that is a narrow way of stating what happened in the film. The character does sneak into the hospital but only at the repeated request of the injured character who has chosen not to live anymore. He is carrying out her wishes because in this country doctors and hospitals will prolong your dying as long as po$$ible. It's an act of love.

    \They found her college courses to could have been productive...different from the life she knew before but still a life..but she would rather be dead than disabled...

    I take it you believe a person is making the wrong choice if they choose not to live anymore under the character's circumstances?

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