rwagoner.. thanks for the heads up on million dollar baby.

by candidlynuts 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • rwagoner
    He is carrying out her wishes because in this country doctors and hospitals will prolong your dying as long as po$$ible. It's an act of love.

    An act of love ? Possibly but one base on misinformation and stereotype by both parties that living with a disability is a fate worse than death.

    I take it you believe a person is making the wrong choice if they choose not to live anymore under the character's circumstances?

    I do...most definitely. The person is not terminally ill...they are feeling grief over the loss of their former life, in their eyes. This is a very normal feeling following becoming disabled later in life. They have never been fact they may never have known, closely, anyone with a disability so all they know is the stereotype of society that being disabled is somehow being less than a whole person.

    Once a person has time to grieve and adjust there is a whole world of possibilities and resources available to them. Everything from continueing their education to mountain climbing or bungee jumping depending on the level of disability. Some very severely disabled folks can do increadible things, Stephen Hawking is one example, Franklin Roosevelt is another..

    As I mentioned before, if I were terminally ill with no hope of treatment then I would not want to prolong the inevitable. I also respect someone's right to chose to end their life, even though I don't personally agree. However just like anything else....the decision should be based on facts and not fear or stereotypes and should take place after the person has the opportunity to work through the grieving process if it is related to a recent disability.

  • el jarocho mayor
    el jarocho mayor

    RWAGONEER... when you say that Clint Eastwood said, "these people", is it possible that he meant these people as in the people that are always complaining and have nothing else better to do and bitch and complain just for the sake of bitching and complaining. Is it possible or does the possibilty exist that he wasnt referring to people with handicaps or disabilities or physically challenged? Just a thought.
  • DanTheMan

    rwagoner I too was unaware of the controversy surrounding the film until I saw your comments in the other thread. I don't hate Eastwood for making the movie, nor do I consider him to be part of Hollyweird, but I do appreciate knowing that the movie didn't sit well with many disabled folks.

  • rwagoner


    No....he made the statement during his 2000 congressional testimony related to trying to pass a law weakening the Americans with Disabilties Act (ADA). He thought he should get a "warning" that a complaint was coming....the person went to his place of business and found it inaccessible....3 months later they send a request that he fix the problems and comply with the ADA....when there was no response...they filed a complaint 6 months later. I think nearly a year is time enough to fix the problem or at least respond to someone. That is to say nothing of the fact that the law had been in place for 10 YEARS prior to the complaint and they had not complied.

    Do you notice the problem...the ADA has now been a FEDERAL LAW for nearly 15 years...there is still very little compliance as businesses take a "wait and see" attitude...they hold off on making changes until someone complains....and then when we complain...they whine that we should have warned them that we were going to complain. LOL

    There are no "Wheelchair Police" who enforce this law...disabled people like me have to file complaints and lawsuits when we see a violation and thats fine...if we want the rights then we must "stand up" so to speak and fight for them.

  • el jarocho mayor
    el jarocho mayor

    Ah...ok. Thanks Rwagoneer for clearing that up for me. I appreciate it. Man if you think its bad in the US for people with disabilites, its not as bad as in Mexico. No ramps on the side walks, and the ones that do have them are very steep. There is no uniformity concerning sidewalks. Its really bad. Thanks for the insight on the Clint Eastwood case and putting it into context.

  • rwagoner

    Hey..if they ever consider a Mexicans with Disabilities Act let me know...I'd love to come down and help get it going and help with education and implementation.

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