i'm a JW still, and I'm new on this forum. Here's my question: If the faithful and discreet slave is a messenger for truth why is the ONLY mention of them in the bible in the form of a parable? why only one time(in two parallel accounts)? If the "helper" Jesus spoke of is the holy spirit, why do we need a FDS?
a question
by bonnzo 25 Replies latest watchtower bible
Double Edge
Hi again. I can't answer your question from a JW perspective, since I've never been one. But the JWs are the only "Christian" religion that interprets that parable as an indicator of "the Truth". Everyone else interprets the parable as a parable with an entirely different meaning.
If the "helper" Jesus spoke of is the holy spirit, why do we need a FDS?
If you keep asking questions like that, you won't be a JW for much longer.
Because the Holy Spirit doesn't publish magazines and collect donations to support a billion dollar publishing company.
If you prayed and believed that Jehovah God worked through the Holy Spirit and communicated with you directly, you would cut out the MIDDLE MAN!
Hi Bonnzo and welcome to the board.
Personally, I don?t believe any of this Christian myth stuff anymore. However, I think your question is a very good one for a Jdub.
The dubs teach the ?savior? came and gave his perfect life to pay for Adam?s sin. They also believe Him to be the mediator between Jehovah and us. This is why we say ?through Jesus Christ?s name, Amen.? at the end of every prayer.
But, as far as the Jdub?s go, that?s about it. All glory goes to Jehovah, not to Jesus. They have to emphasize Jehovah and not Jesus so they can justify themselves. They don?t want people thinking like you; ?Why do we need this FDS if Christ is our mediator to Jehovah?. If fact, if you continue to question the authority of the FDS, over the authority of Jesus then you will be dissfellowshipped for apostasy. That?s quite a thing, don?t you think!
The cult you belong to is called ?JEHOVAH?s witnesses?, the holding company for the cult is called ?The Watchtower and Bible Tract Society of Pennsylvania(or New York)? . You are not referred to by this private corporation as a Christian but a Publisher.
Lets think about that, you?re a publisher of a publishing house.Steve
PS ? Welcome to the board. There a lot of different types of people here, with many different takes on the whole WTBTS stuff. Stick around, I think you?ll enjoy of stay, especially if you continue to think for yourself.
Actually Steve the watchtower society's doctrinal approach is that Jesus is only the mediator for the 144,000 and the rest of the world must find its medatiorship through the FDS. They have essentially cut off this gift of grace from the rest of humanity and selfishly applied it only to themselves. To make their long story short, all non anointed JW's are cut out of this personal relationship with Jesus and must cling to the organization for any hope of salvation. This to me is very unscriptural on their part and a very arrogent elite attitude for them to view themselves as a hope of salvation. They have basically interjected themselves into this precious relationship between mankind and God. A place they have no right to put themselves into. They also go as far as stating that the new covenent and the bible are not directed or meant for the rest of humanity, only directed toword the 144,000. This is truly in error on their part and should make any wake up and question their authortiy. Jesus stated that his sacrifice was for all mankind not just a select number as they try to explain. If the bible was not meant for the rest of mankind and only focused on a 144,000 then why would God say its a roadmap for our lives. No matter how they try to distort sound reasoning the bible shows to the contrary and is a very effective black light that can expose their counterfit doctrines.
Thanks for the clarification. I?ve been out for a while now, and the memory isn?t what it used to be.
So what I would like to know is that if the FDS is the only way for ordinary Joe?s like us to get to Jesus / Jehovah then:Why do JW say ?in Jesus Christ Name, Amen and not through the FDS?
What happens when the last of the FDS die? How do we get to Jesus/Jehovah without the invite?
If they have removed Christ as the only way to Jehovah because we have to go through them, how can they NOT apply Luke 21:8 to themselves?Steve
PS Luke 21:8
He said: ?Look out that YOU are not misled; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ?I am he,? and, ?The due time has approached.? Do not go after them.
Hi bonnzo
Think about this for a minute: The WTS teaches that Jehovah appointed the Faithful & Discreet Slave in 1919. What were some of the things that this Faithful & Discreet Slave class believed and practiced?
- That it was perfectly acceptable for Christians to celebrate birthdays, Christmas and Easter.
- There were no prohibitions on blood transfusions.
- There was no massive organized preaching work that was required of all members.
- Disfellowshipping and disassociation and shunning were not practiced.
Would the people who comprised the Faithful & Discreet Slave class in 1919 be able to recognize The Truth? if they were alive today? Would the WTS consider them to be Apostates? today?
If God approved of their practices and doctrines in 1919, would God approve of what they practice today?
Very good question bonnzo. In addition to Ms. Scully's observations, read the context of the parable. Accourding to the context was the FDS to be revealed in 1919 at the beginning of a long term presence? Or does the context prove the FDS was to be revealed during the day and the hour that no one knows, the day that we are supose to keep on the watch for?
Also I cant find it but there is a thread paralleling the FDS parable to the story of Joseph, a link which Jesus jewish listeners would have made that maybe helpful to you.
Does anyone know where that thread is?
If you need any further scriptural evidence please message me and I will try to post a short essay if it would help.
Just remember that Jesus covenent is directed toword all of mankind not a select few. John 3:16-18 John 6:28-35 answers an inquiry as to how to do the works of God. Jesus just simply states This is the work of God, that you exercise faith in him whom that one sent forth." Jesus also refers to himself as the bread of life and the answer to our thirst, not some man made organization. In verse 48-51 we see further emphasis on Jesus sacrifice and the bread of his body being extended to all mankind not a select number. In fact our involvement in this new covenent is vital to our lives and to not be part of the new covenent leaves one outside of any biblical hope.
The GB have essentially done the same as their predecessors the pharisee's, as they have shut up the door to heaven and hindered ones from entering into a precious personal relationship with their heavenly father. John 10:1-16 is excellent too in showing that we all have one shepard and that we will all be one flock, not two different flocks as they try to emphasize. Also notice that Jesus said he is the door and not an organization of humans and he even states that all thoese coming in his place are thieves and plunderers that truly do not care for the flock(think of the malawi incident, was that evidence of a loving sheperd or rather a counterfit sheperd).
John 14:6 is also an excellent scripture showing that Jesus is the way and the truth and the life not some man made affilation. Jesus tore down the walls of division between jew and gentile and extended this gift of grace toword all mankind, so why would the watchtower attempt to teach a new gospel that puts up barriers between the one flock? They in a sence have divided the one flock, seprated them into two pens, and beat them into submission, and also have taken away salvation from the other sheep. This in no way coincides with the sheparding that Jesus said he would lovingly exert toword us as one sheperd one flock. I see a direct similarity between the watchtower and the pharisee's in their dealings with the gentiles of that time, a similarity that Jesus warned ones of and would never promote himself.
Their are countless scriptures that outright blow the GB's idea of two groups and two salvations out of the water. Its just hard sometimes to pick up on them when you are indoctrinated because your mind set automatically blocks out any negative reasoning against the org. even if it is credibally founded. They have also spun so many confusing interpretations on such scriptures that it is hard to wipe the fog from your eyes when reading them. Its easier to see what the bible actually states when you can drop some of the watchtower bias and read it with an open mind. Anyway hope this kinda helped.
Ticker (of the class that is extended the freedom and grace of being in union with Christ as one of his followers and grateful to be part of the new covenent not just an observor of it)