At my hall it was no big deal really. Their were 3 or 4 that commented on the third world countrys that had 60 publishers and 700 in memorial attendance. ONe other person said that even though their wasnt increase in the USA there were tons that attended the memorial. I know alot of these are inactive ones that family members drag along year after year. It really WAS NOT AN encouraging report but there were a few small countries that had tons of people at there memorial.
by Mary 56 Replies latest jw friends
AK - Jeff
One would think that this comment shows that this individual KNOWS it's a lot of BS but is very loyal anyway. Whose faith is stronger? The 3rd worldling who believes it all because he has no access to real information, or the guy at the hall who admits that abundant knowledge leads to attrition and yet stays and goes through the motions anyway? Downright scary.
Wiegel - good point!
In the witness mind there are two sorts of 'knowledge' - the one that brings everlasting life, and is supplied thru the FDS - and 'worldly' knowledge, the kind that trips one up and sends you into the arms of Satan. I think that distinction is of issue here as the witness mind tried to absorb how they could see 0% growth. In his mind it is not knowledge of reality that is creating the problem with growth - the problem is that Satan's type of knowledge is so prevalant here in developed areas that the witness 'knowledge' is being thwarted.
You are right - that sort of thinking is scary indeed.
I would only go back to the Hall again if I could sit behind Mary so we could make snitty comments and get laughing so hard we would be asked to leave!
Actually, someone did make the comment that perhaps the reason only the third world countries are experiencing growth is because "they are simple people" and they "don't question things as much as those that live where knowledge is abundant".
Maybe you have another closet apostate in your congregation. I could see someone taking advantage of a moment like that to make a subversive comment that could make one or two people think. That or the commentor's subconscience is trying to let their conscience brain know that something's wrong.
Captain Schmedio said: If a country had three publishers at the beginning of the year, and has four at the end of the year, that's an increase of 25%.
Yep, I notice that too. One country had "peak publishers" at 16 in 2003 and it was up to 25 in 2004. That's something like a 25% increase, which might sound impressive, but it really only means 9 frigging people more.......
ConfusedJW said: I would only go back to the Hall again if I sat beside Mary so we could make snitty comments and get laughing so hard we would be asked to leave!
And as the
bouncerselders were dragging our sorry asses out the door, we could yell out "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." -
:Maybe you have another closet apostate in your congregation.
I've heard comments like this from diehard elders and stuff too though. I once heard from an elder that 'children can grasp concepts in the Bible better than some adults can because they think about things simply and do not critically analyze material the way some adults do.' I was looking around the hall like I was in the f**king twilight zone!!
I was at this meeting on Sun. Why was I there? I can't say...but I will say this. When that question was asked, one sister said (oh god I was trying not to laugh) "It is very encouraging that only 26 negatives were reported out of 215 countries!" Then someone else put their hand up and said something else to the effect of, "That is great news! Only a few negative countries and you know, not that many with only a 0% increase as well!" It was as if they were closet apostates how perfect their answers were. It was a very uncomfortable situation, only 2 comments were permitted...LOL
Hello from Tikrit!!!
Haven't seen the article, but I was talking to a gent from Eurithria (no not urethra)-a small part of ethiopia that seceded a few years ago, he was very familiar with Jehovah's Witnesses. It's not that they're simple people, it's that the people as a whole are fanatic about anything and everything. It's a dangerous mix when you take a fanatic and supply him with a mind -numbing, mind-controlling religion. (As long as their not packing heat, I suppose it's ok) He also said the government views any fanaticism as a threat, that's why you may hear about their persecution from time to time.(Believe it or not, Dubs are not special in this regard)They're just considered regular, run of the mill fanatics. Who knew?
By the way, Tikrit isn't bad. Convoy from Kuwait was a BITCH though.
Haven't seen any Brits around here...where they at Simon, Eman?
: paragraph 17 (I think) asked what we personally found "encouraging" about the 2004 stats that are listed by country in the WT.
Brother Farkel raises his hand
Conductor: "Yes, Brother Farkel? What do you find encouraging about the new statistics?"
Brother Farkel: "Brother Conductor, after reviewing the decreases in so many countries last year, I'm encouraged to learn that more and more people have stop believing this shit and are starting to live their lives again."
Conductor: "Guards! Put down your mics and remove this man!
Farkel: "Do as you wish, but you still can't shine shit, Brother Conductor."
I just remembered what my brother said yesterday. When they were talking about percetages of 1 out of 24 studies, he said
"My wife use to make wedding cakes, if only one out of 24 didnt turn out, she would have to find another job! LOL. But he quickly recovered by saying how these people who go to other countries stay encouraged if they get 1 study out of 24.