Next thing you know the "taste" police and music and wine snobs will be telling me that me eating my rib-eye steak medium in bad taste....because it's my personal preference. Especially when the traine "experts" all KNOW that the only way a civilized man should eat his meat is medium....or like my dad "well done" yuck! But hey to each his own.
This topic is illogical....maybe it would have been more accurate to define what one MEANS "good" and "bad" is...
For example...balanced arrangements, dead on beat, masterful lyrics, etc... being "good"; and choppy, missed beats, non-sensical lyrics...being "bad"...
Problem is... people's "taste" DOES matter....trained ear, palate, eye...aside.
If I like my music raunchy, my steak almost raw and my wine non-Lafite Rauthchild....who gives a flying f*ck? Why would any decent person impune it as "bad"...when its all subjective.
Do any of you SNOBS have wives...? How do you ever get along?
u/d (of the trained ear, palate and medium rare class)
p.s.- I'd like a reply on them Kingdom Melodies...