Is it getting warm in here or is it just me?

by jeanniebeanz 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • wanderlustguy

    I just demonstrated to myself why I made the observation before. It's not everyone else, it's me. I'm too arguementative these days and I'm totally too quick with the toungue (keys as the case may be).

    Time for a break, see you guys all in a week or two.


  • bisous

    Actually Wander, JB also has a thread in play entitled "is it getting hot in here..." where she refers to a number of observations about the tone of the board lately. This elicited my inquiry.

  • xenawarrior
    As you know, I am consistently rude to everyone just in case they are WTS 'moles', or even worse,

    *thwacks* HS

    P.S. ((((((((Jeannie))))) Some people are just plain rude and don't care about what they say to whom. Oh, and not to worry- I've been *thwacking* people around here for a loooong time. It doesn't hurt them or anything.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Sometimes you guys make me laugh so hard I could pop an artery. *laughing way too hard right now at min, hillary and xena!*

    Thanks for that!


  • Bas

    I hope it wasn't me, though I like a good discussion on politics, I try not to be too rude. Besides I'm only 25 posts old, a baby compared to you guys, and how bad can a baby be?

  • TheEdge
    Lately, it seems to be that people are on edge

    ......and I never felt a thing!

  • cypher50



  • Golf

    Steam rooms are great to release the poisons in your body. As to nasty and degrading comments, its CHILDISH! Someone gets annoyed because he/she doesn't agree with an opinion. These folks left the org because of its controlling influence, and yet they want to force their opinions and influence on this forum, please people, look in a mirror!

    I received a PM from a poster and he told me to get my head out of my ass, and he knew more about the history of my ancestors than I do! By the way, he was nasty and using foul language. This person is considered a smart one on the forum! Hmmmmmmmmm. People are people, I deal and live with them every single day, the good, the bad and the ugly!

    I guess you either have it or you don't, that's life.


  • Dragonlady76

    I believe what Jeannie is trying to convey is the issue of attacking someone personally with insults and condescending remarks when they disagree with a post. Everyone here is going to have a difference of opinion at some point with a topic or post, and offering your veiws, theories or debating is great, but people need to remember to use some decorum and tact. I don't always agree with others here, but I respect their opinions and veiws and will not resort to insulting them, I have better manners than to stoop so low.This is in my opinion the best ex-JW site on the net and I enjoy being a part of it.


  • talesin


    That's just rude! But why am I not surprised.

    It takes all kinds, ... *shrug*


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