WOW !!!!
A 'new light' Organised book filled with the same 'ol dog poop
by Jez 31 Replies latest jw friends
WOW !!!!
A 'new light' Organised book filled with the same 'ol dog poop
Ah yes, another "Special Announcement", just like the one over a decade ago about the move to the "donation arrangement". The Hall was filled, as people were tantalized by the prospect of some revelation from the WTS concerning Armageddon or something along those lines.
My guess is that, unless word gets out in advance, the effect will be similar - much higher than average meeting attendance and a bunch of disappointed people filing out afterward.
My guess is alos that, since this is near the Memorial in timing, it's a tactic to get people back to the Kingdom Halls so that they can be plied into attending the Memorial.
I hear that in 2006 they are preparing a release entitled Reasoning With the Sisters, Volume 1. Volumes 2-30 are slated for following months and years to come.
LOL I know that is an old joke but it always busts my gut as it was told me to me in the bathroom by a long time respected JW elder who gave district convention speeches every year.
That?s very insightful, Rocketman. There is nothing like holding up an extra carrot to bolster KH attendance. When it?s all said and done, the flock leaves with the same feelings they had after the last ?Special Announcement,? wondering why they arrived early and saved seats.
I have a neighbor who moved in 3 years ago. She a single mom, lived there a couple of months before I ever saw her. But one day when she was out in the yard, I walked over to welcome her to the neighborhood. At first I didn't recognize her. She said with a big grin on her face "I know you, you are Brother xxxxxxx." We had gone to the same KH and she was df'd about 15 years ago. I explained to her that I don't go to meetings anymore myself.
Anyhow, a nice conversation brewed. I see her from time to time and always have a nice chat. Last October she told me that she wanted to go back to the KH. I asked...WHY? and let her talk. Then wished her good luck if that's what she thought she really wanted. I left for Florida for 3 months and came back after Xmas. I just saw her for the first time this past week and she updated me on her KH story. She QUIT because of the lack of interest on the part of the PO (the same a..h... I butted heads with) and the other elders about her getting reinstated.
Ok....I need to get back to the Topic. Sorry! She told me she heard that a new book was coming out and that changes were being made the way the preaching work "could" be done. That if you didn't want to go door to door anymore, you didn't have too! I find this a little hard to believe. She said that they were coming up with alternative work.
Now......I just wonder if she has put things out of perspective, since there has been alternative work like bothering people with telephone calls and letter writing or if a REAL change is coming.
I guess we will know shortly.
HappyDad (of the has to tell a long story to make a point class)
Bla bla bla more.....bla bla bal....The end is near......bla bla bla DO MORE....
That is the end of our special announcment.
Question for the old timers: Do you remember the special Service Meeting held sometime around 1973-74 to announce how close we were to the ?end of this system of things.? We invited as many new ones and interested ones to that meeting in order shake they up before it was too late. I had a part on that meeting, and still remember the frenzy of activity before 1975. Does anyone remember that Special Service Meeting?
Yep Java.. I do. Not much for detail nowdays, but as a '75 era survivor, I wish I'd kept better notes back then. Revisionist history is grand, aint it?
~Hill (graduated High School anyway class)
Yes, I remember well ...
In fall of '74 I moved to 'serve where the need is greater' due, in part, to that very same Special Service Meeting. Well, it eventually led to me leaving the Tower in '76, so I guess I can't complain too much ... ;)
I heard that it involved the dangers of Ebay.