Hill and tal ? Wow, you two are old! I remember that meeting as a final plea for interested ones to get off the fence and do something, and for the rest of us to increase our activity at all costs. Like Hill, I wish I had kept better notes from that period, but happy you ?graduated from high school,? because many didn?t?the end was coming. Tal, how far away did you move in ?74?
What is the "SPECIAL" announcement to be made on Sunday?
by Jez 31 Replies latest jw friends
Wow, another book.... Now excuse me while I stick needles in my eyes....ouch!...OUCH!!!
- Preston
Question for the old timers: Do you remember the special Service Meeting held sometime around 1973-74 to announce how close we were to the ?end of this system of things.? We invited as many new ones and interested ones to that meeting in order shake they up before it was too late. I had a part on that meeting, and still remember the frenzy of activity before 1975. Does anyone remember that Special Service Meeting?
I remember the meeting but not much detail. Even then, some of my dub peers weren't exactly 100% sure about 1975 but kept most comments to themselves. The old PO at that time was one of the best people I have ever known in or out of the organization and he always said that Jehovah would be the one to make the final decision....that we should wait until 1975 and to not jump the gun. I was there when he would butt heads with the CO's who tried to change things in our cong. He is one of the very few that I can still respect when I think back about my JW history.
Hmmmmmmm.......wonder what was going on in his mind? The old guy had a lot of insight, understanding and love for all. He was the.......what did they call it back in the early days?......."Congregation Overseer"?......until after the first year of the "NEW LIGHT" to have a rotating PO system. When that light burned out a couple years later...."NEW LIGHT" was installed and a permanent PO was made. What a mistake!
I sat through so many special announcements and special meetings and they were ALL about the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation. Either a new piece of literature and the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation is God's only channel, or an announcement that the end is near, and the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation is God's only channel, or an 8 page resolution that all religion and all (other) governments are bad and the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation is God's only channel, or a new building contracted by the Watch Tower Real Estate Development Division, and the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation is God's only channel.
The Watch Tower Corporation only has so many products to sell. They have printed literature, sponsored conventions, and real estate development. That's it! So ya know it has to be one of the three if there's any announcements.
They seem to be toning down their condemnation of the Catholic church since the Dateline and 5th Estate exposures and they seem to have quit blasting the governments as much since they formed their alliance with the United Nations. It looks to me like they have turned their attention they used to pay to religion and government inward on their own members. It is starting to look like Jehovah's Witnesses are their biggest problem now.
It seems like the only way they can keep what they got is to get rid of the people who got it for them. Either beat them into submission or get rid of them. -
Do you remember the special Service Meeting held sometime around 1973-74 to announce how close we were to the ?end of this system of things.? We invited as many new ones and interested ones to that meeting in order shake they up before it was too late.
Ah, but the Society never actually said anything about 1975, did they?
It was all the fault of some "running ahead of the Society". Like fun, it was!
Blondie mentioned that they would give a copy to every baptized JW.I think it might be every JW IN GOOD STANDING....which means attending every meeting,commenting and being active in the field ministry.So I doubt I'd get one if I showed up,last meeting I went to was dec.5th,2004.Besides I think they'd get off not giving me one,hoping I'd be shamed into submission and start attending all meetings,commenting,going in field service.....
I find it very interesting that the WTS will hold a special meeting to announce procedural changes but never to announce doctrinal changes.
Has anyone seen the Movie 'A Christmas Story' where the little kid saves up to get a secret decoder ring to get the secret messages after his favorite radio show? He finally gets the ring and the secret message was 'Drink more ovaltine'.
That's kinda how the 'Special Announcements' always made me feel.
I heard that it involved the dangers of Ebay.
Are you serious, or joking?
I'm getting ready to put more JW books on there and I'm afraid it will be bad for business.
Seriously, I'ld like to get a copy.
Any current Hall-goers that would be willing to send me one? It'll be a book placement, right?