Was it worth meeting with the judicial committee?

by 24k 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillbilly

    I notice two schools of thought on this board re: JC's

    Go...for the closure

    or, Don't go...the bastards have no power over me.

    I am in the second camp. Wouldnt go if they asked and wouldnt p*ss on 'em if they were on fire.

    ~Hill (not df or da class)

  • CaptK

    NO if I had to do it all over again I would have not met with them. A brother put pressure on me to go to the elders and tell them what you did and they will help you out.Yaa right I felt like the religous leaders in Jesus day..no help, no encouragement...just you did this and you are D"F. Looking back on the situation you can really see why there is 0% growth. These guys love POWER over others and to throw people out rather than extend mercy and HELP an individual on the road to recovery. You would never see it unless you are faced with a judicial committie. Then the REAL Personality comes out and yes it is a kangaroo court with everything going your way...nothing you say nothing going your way. Also forget about the appeal system that is a big joke in that you are thinking another committiee will favor you WRONG they will side with the orginal body of elders. They have their own position at stake. IT is a POWER hungry group of men that LOVE their POSITION in the ORGANIZATION

  • wiegel

    Walter - You're too much! Where did you learn to rationalize like that? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...............


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I don't even see why they bother in cases of 'apostasy'. Wifey and I have been treated like we have leprosy without it - shunned, hated, ignored, gossipped about - why bother with a JC when you get the same results by just running your mouth in the car groups and slandering the dissenters - same effect when all are conditional in love -


  • upside/down

    Yeah.... I too have crystal clear accusations with proofs and numerous JW witnesses. Matt 18 got flushed down the toilet.

    They refuse to even address my issues.

    Yet when an elder body 1000 miles away sent a bogus letter of accusation I was told we had to have a JC NOW! To keep J's congo clean.

    Bunch o' F'n liars and hypocrites... I hope J is enjoying His "spirit annointed" goon "arrangement"!


  • hillbilly

    U/D....hey , are we in parallel lifes or What?

    I guess by now you guys have figured out that the whole JC deal is a crock. Favortites, special deals, ass-kissin' all play a part. Just to stroke some over-fed, window washer's wet dream fantasy.

    Jesus. I am glad to be outta there!


  • iiz2cool
    Walter - You're too much! Where did you learn to rationalize like that? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...............

    I'm not sure if I learned that when I was a JW or if it's a result of my working for politicians.


  • AlanF

    Excellent suggestion, Walter!

    I see only two reasons ever to meet with a JC: to get the goods on them by recording the session, or to try to get reinstated so as to give one's family no "legal" excuse for shunning (meaning that if they want to shun, it's their personal decision and they haven't the excuse of, "well, you're DF'd and I must obey God's organization.").


  • RichieRich

    THats interesting. As of about 3 weeks ago I am on Public Reproof. I would like to be disfellowshipped or disassociate myself, but i'm 16 and live still with my mother and "worldly" father. My mother is very controlling and I feel it wouldn't be in my best interests for me to make such a bold move. THe brothers felt the need to meet with me w/ a JC because I wqas running a personal website that had :::gasp::: cuss words, sexual innuendos, and pictures that were taken while I participated in unchristian activities (school).

    They started the meeting off reading several scriptures about big J being the revealer of secrets. Then they asked whether I had anything else to tell them. In the most serious voice I could muster up (I find the whole situation extremely comical) I said: Well I think He has revealed what he wants us to know.

    They fussed for about 2 hours on the subject of loose conduct and obscne language. I couldn't share my true feelings because a) my mother was present and b) because I don't respect them enough to tell the truth. They asked me to leave the room and to pray to Jah. BEcause I am an atheist(have been for at least 4 years) I walked into the other room and said, "if you're real, youll df me." SO then they summoned me back in there with them and they were like, we think you are repentant enough and so we will reproove you.

    Then they said that they would like to meet again in 2 weeks to discuss how i can change.

    We met last night. One broher didnt show up so it was just the 2. They told me what loose conduct was (forgetting that I'm pretty damn good at it) and then talked about what I can do to change it. They wanted to know the names of other witness kids who might be up to stuff, but I didnt tell them anything (I know plenty, but Im not going to help them!!) SO then they asked who i was associating with that would make me say and do uch things. I said I wasnt that close to any worldly kids (forgot to mention my gf) and that I just had to stop what i was doing.

    Then the brother started calling me weak minded because i wanted to fit in that bad... which is the whole principle of how the JWs keep you in.... but whatever...

    Ill post more later... GOt to do actual work. PPLease post any suggestions you have for me... Thanks for your time...

  • iiz2cool
    They started the meeting off reading several scriptures about big J being the revealer of secrets.

    I don't know about the "Big J" but every hall has a few informers who live to suck up to the elders.

    So, what the hell were these elders? doing on the evil internet browsing web sites with cuss words? They're obviously neglecting their personal study?.


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