Was it worth meeting with the judicial committee?

by 24k 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Narkissos

    It was totally useless of course, but I didn't even think of avoiding it -- it was a sort of closure to me.

  • mjl

    My question is JAVA, how many "brothers and sisters" lost thier lives from not holding a political card in other lands?

  • JAVA

    I remember reading about numerous JWs that lost their lives and countless others beaten in Malawi. The Tower has a lot of blood on their hands. Speaking of?how many have died who are forced into believing a transfusion is the same as eating animal blood?

  • catchthis

    Meeting with the elders only reinforces in their minds that they still control your future. Why let a small group of men wield this sort of control over you. That is why I refused to meet with them. Their decision was already made whether I attended it or not. Why try to fight it? In my case, I looked upon it as someone who was on death row. Once you are strapped in the chair, there is no way to talk yourself out of it.

    Sure, I was thinking about going, but only to record the meeting. If they were to ask me if I was carrying any type of recording device, I would have told them the truth and said, "Yes." I would also have told them that the meeting would not continue without a second person present as a witness to my statements if I could not record the meeting for my personal use. Well as we all know, both scenarios are not allowable, so the meeting would have went on without my presence. If the elders ever want to meet with me again for any reason whatsoever, it will be in my own home where I set the rules, not them. All conversations will be recorded, period. That is why the WTS is so paranoid about people recording these little meetings....the elders may say the wrong things or misrepresent the WTS in some way that can come back later and bite them in the @ss. Otherwise, the three elders can get their stories straight and gang up if a df'd witness says something that could land them in court. Any judge would have to take the word of three men compared to just one person with no one to back them up.

  • Balsam

    Never should we view the men on the judical committe as spokesmen for God. They are not, and never have been. The Society has set it self up as the keeper of biblical law and speaker for God Almighty, judges of the the universe. Think of the arrogance of that. To judge another person as unworth of association based on their assumtions that may not be accurate. Luke 6:37 says: ?Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
    Luke 6:36-38

    The Watchtower Society is missing the power of this saying in Luke, for to judge others if to heap judgement upon those setting up authority over others. For anyone called in to this meeting by going you are empowering them to judge you. To resist is to break free of the control. Leave the matter in the hands of God who is loving and merciful and kind. Changing the reality of your life one step at a time by taking back your power you had given others. Buddha, Jesus, understood that mercy, love, and compassion are the keys to living our life. Judging others is not our job.

  • iiz2cool
    If they were to ask me if I was carrying any type of recording device, I would have told them the truth and said, "Yes."

    I totally understand someone wanting to be honest. That's why you use Theocratic Warefare Strategy? and bring TWO recording devices. You can surrender one while the second records the meeting. That way you can record the meeting and maintain a good conscience? at the same time.


  • Gill

    Surely these kangaroo court hearings are just the ultimate ego trip for window cleaner, sales person, whatever Mr nobody, Elders.

    Why go?

    It must be such a power trip to have Jehovah give you the power of life and death over some silly little dub who has turned up, when you have demanded their presence and then get to don the little black cap of doom and switch off their hopes of eternal life!

    I expect to be summoned to such a meeting in due course and my answer will be loud and clear:

    'Bugger off!"

  • Dansk
    Why go?


    I ask that question so many times here! There are sooooooooo many stories about the the treatment meted out by JCs here that I am amazed people who have read such posts still attend them! The best way to take control away from Watchtower and to empower oneself is to ignore the elders and let them know they no longer have any control over one's life!!

    Believe me, they daren't come near my home!!!


  • catchthis

    Walter, we must think alike. I thought the exact same thing when I was mulling over whether or not I was going to go. I was going to give up my mini-digital recorder(which sounds like crap anyways) but do the actual recording with my pda(sounds awesome and picks up voices several feet away clearly). It can record straight to MP3 format and right onto my 1GB sd card. The recording software says that is good for about twenty-something hours of record time. The battery would die before that though.

    On a side note, one of the last DC's I attended, I used my pda to record a few of the talks. It turned out waaay better than anything on tape would have sounded. And it is very easy to move the file over to your pc and upload it to the web. So for anyone that has a pda and plans on attending any future assemblies, please think of recording the talks in that digital format to share with all of us.

  • Gill

    Good for you Dansk!

    Kick their asses if they dare!

    Love Gill

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