What the Bleep do we know? Movie a must see!!!!

by Balsam 54 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Balsam

    What a thought provoking movie. We just got in in the mail yesterday and it was released yesterday. Why are we here, what is reality, what is god? Are we willing to look in to quantum physics to look at our world today? Is our reality created by our own thoughts? This movie is worth watching. Where does religion fit in? Be in the mystery of life? Life is so full of potential yet we are conditioned to think the world we see around us is all there is. Is that true? Is reality what we see with our eyes, or what we see with our brain? Aren't we all affected by our memories? Can we change the way we look at the world. Is our perception of God force too narrow?

    For those of us who are JW's or EX-JW this is important to us. Our world used to be defined by what the Faithful and discreet slave told us about our world. Does our behavior and view of the world actually becoming self fulfilling through our many conditioned thoughts? Something to think about. I love this movie and will be watching this many times.


  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    I can't wait to see this movie. I saw an ad for it on t.v. but then I sorta forgot about it, so thanks a lot for reminding me and giving me the thumbs up so I know I'm not wasting my time. It looks very facinating. T.V. must be rotting my brain with all that junk food O.C. and stuff...



  • Elsewhere

    I've heard of the that movie and I've been wanting to watch it... while I'm thinking about it.... *Just added it to my NetFlix*

    Life is so full of potential yet we are conditioned to think the world we see around us is all there is.

    That is something that I have thought about and expanded it into the ideas of religion (is there a spirit realm), quantum physics (multiple universes), etc... and I have come to a very simple conclusion: If something is unable to interact with us, then the question of its existence is moot.

  • Balsam

    Nancy it is awesome, get it as soon as you can. It is very mind expanding, and you don't need a drug to do it. The information in it I think will benefit every one willing to watch it. My sweet dear and totally loveable husband couldn't get into it, but he felt it was too hard to understand. He is a simple man and doesn't believe in too much deep thought on things like this.


  • Balsam

    Elsewhere perhaps we are only limited by our own mind and thoughts. The spirit realm may be us, and our thoughts. See the movie will make you view the world around you different. What is the observer? Our ability to look at what is around us and see and interpet our world. Perhaps we are the observer and we don't realize it, in fact unaware of . Do we as individuals affecting our world? Can we truely be victims? Something to think about.

    Personally I believe this will be a movie people will want to watch over and over.

  • jaredg

    i saw it in the theater.....great flick!!

  • MegaDude

    Interesting film put out by members of the Ramtha Cult, a group that gets New Age advice and wisdom from a 35 thousand-year dead warrior who is channeled by a woman by the name of J. Z. Knight.

    (read more about J.Z. Knight and Ramtha here: http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/Ramtha.html )

    That being said, I thought the film had some interesting things to say about quantum physics and reality and I enjoyed it. If you have an interest in quantum physics then it might be worth it to plunk down your eight bucks.

    There are some scientists that are interviewed in the film and their comments are quite interesting but there is some controversy developing over editing of one of the interviews.


  • Mulan

    I really enjoyed the movie and thought one of the people talking looked familiar. At the end I learned it was:

    Interesting film put out by members of the Ramtha Cult. A group that gets New Age advice and wisdom from a 35 thousand-year dead warrior who is channeled by a woman by the name of J. Z. Knight.

    That group is near here, and used to get a lot of publicity. I think they are a bunch of crackpots and it took most of the credibility away from the movie. Their cult has had a big drop in numbers and most people here don't think much of them.

    As Mega said, it had some interesting points on quantum physics and reality.

  • truth_about_the_truth

    I saw it in the theatres last fall. Very outside-the box type of movie. I really enjoyed it. Very thought provoking. I look at the world differently ever since watching it. I give it my thumbs up!

  • heatherg

    I never even heard of it, up here in the northwoods we're very sheltered! Sounds interesting, want to see it. Did it just come out on DVD? And it's called 'What the Bleep do we know?'. hg

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