What the Bleep do we know? Movie a must see!!!!

by Balsam 54 Replies latest social entertainment

  • LDH
    The above is what I said last March. I feel the same now, but maybe a little embarrassed that I enjoyed it. I know more now and realize a lot of it was fiction. J.Z. Knight has no credibility in our area and she lives here. I only wish I had known that cult was behind it before I spent the money to go see it.

    For me, it was enough that the office crackpot was espousing it. Yes, the same woman who complained about having to buy $80 inhalers for her son's asthma spent $8,000 on an "electonic wave machine" to 'remove negative energy.'

    I told her it was nothing more than an Electronic Radio Biola and even got the article from the WT online....same shit, different day. Damn I'll call her tomorrow and ask her for the name of the machine. I posted it here once.


  • LittleToe

    Gawd almighty, I can't get over how knee-jerk reactionary folks are getting over a piece of entertainment!

    I watched it late last year and found it thought provoking and amusing.

    As JamesThomas suggested, it leaves you with the wonder of "what if?", and surely that's the heart of motivation for scientists and philosophers, alike?

    Take it or leave it, but don't blow it off and discourage others from watching it just because you had a past-life experience with a cult!

  • Robdar

    IMO, The Ramtha peeps are crazier than a pet raccoon. Still, the movie sounds interesting.

  • JamesThomas

    Often times it seems that the little self that we believe ourselves to be, is much like living in a coffin; and we are afraid to crack the lid open for fear of disrupting our warm and secure little "reality". One of the ways we lock the lid closed is by quickly labeling everything that does not support our well defined, miniature universe as "bogus". It's been months since I have seen the movie, but as I recall, it's main message was that what you think about life, may not be true; and there is a huge reality here that does not need to remain hidden.

    Again, I feel the value in the movie was not in the movie, so much as in allowing oneself to crack open the lid of our coffin. We do this by openly looking and investigating into our own cherished definitions of "self" and what we believe the rest of the universe to be. What is here -- if anything -- to be discovered when we stop labeling and defining people, places and things, and rather with acute presence and awareness openly meet with what really IS? Could it be that what IS, is not anything ever believed or thought to be?

    If or when the movie is watched, I suggest observing the mind at the same time to see how it spins and weaves judgments and thoughts into the patchwork fabric of "me"......and if possible watch what is watching -- and follow this silent path that goes deeper here within the most significant and alive sense of being. Of course no movie is needed. We can investigate right here, right now. The door is always open. The truth forever present.


  • VM44

    There is also a study guide that goes along with the movie!!!!!


  • ignored_one

    Is this the film that says that because an ancient tribe hadn't seen a boat before they couldn't actually physically see it?

  • JamesThomas

    No offense meant ignored_one, I am just going to use your statement to help make an earlier point.

    Is this the film that says that because an ancient tribe hadn't seen a boat before they couldn't actually physically see it?

    Notice how when we make such a statement it reinforces a sense that we already know what is going on without the necessity of any valid investigation. We do this continuously throughout the day as we view life through and within a very, very narrow prefabricated conceptual "reality". Tightly ensconced within our coffin of believed-self/reality we feel no need to investigate; and in fact fear any discovery that may pull the rug out from under our warm and familiar illusions of self and other. It doesn't matter what the Native Americans of that time could see or not see; but rather what am "I" missing right here, right now. j

  • Pistoff

    This movie seemed like a front for the website, and for selling more stuff.

    What did it really say, anyway? Life is mysterious, and spooky?

    I already knew that.

  • Navigator

    Well said James Thomas!

  • Robdar

    Take it or leave it, but don't blow it off and discourage others from watching it just because you had a past-life experience with a cult!

    Just because you had a past experience with a cult does not mean that you shouldn't be cautious when listening to another cult.

    I've checked out the Ramtha movement and, in my opinion, these people are dangerous. More dangerous, more greedy, and more seedy than the WTBTS. Let the viewer beware.

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