I know, I know. Talesin, you were betting with yourself how long it would take before I commented on this thread. Hey, I just now have seen it.
Where do I start?
Of course, then there are the lazy, skinny people...I wonder what excuse they use
Most seriously obese people I?ve known have been very defensive with ?metabolism? being most often cited as the reason for their condition. FairMind
FairMind, do you mean your moniker to be taken seriously?
But I also don't have to have another plate or three or four and lay around with indigestion like Jabba The Hut.
Just remember something very important: not all overweight people eat three or four extra plates. Some eat one and never have eaten more than one. You can't compare your particular weight problem with anyone else's. I mean, you can compare, but you'd be wrong 9 times out of 10.
I don't think this is such a black and white question and this "labeling" and "judging" people reminds me too much of my days in the WTS.
It's not a black and white issue. I remember that when I was slim, I used to think that being fat was caused by over eating. I thought that overweight people just needed to diet and exercise and then the weight would magically melt away, never to return. Well, life has a way of turning the tables on you and let's just say that I don't take such a naive notion any longer.
And then some "Wows." from Walter:
If you have issues with their work then discuss their work with them, not their weight! Performance in the workplace may be your business, but someone's weight IS NOT! Over time, I've found that the people who talk the most about obesity usually know the least about it. They are often people with no medical training. Personally, I find one big mouth far more offensive than a thousand big stomachs.Walter
Awesome. I am blown away. Thank you.
DARK UNCLE: JABBA SAYS TO KISS HIS LARGE ASS! There are books out that have revealed that the US FDA allows all kinds of additives in our foods that don't appear on the labels.
Yea, Terri! Think about it, people. Folks inject beef cattle and chickens with hormones so that they will gain a lot of weight quickly. Then you eat that beef and chicken. Now if you happen to have inherited crappy genes, what do you think those same hormones are going to do to you?
Anyway, after we had indulged in at least 3 overloaded plates with food,
I weigh a lot more than 90 something pounds. I can't eat three underloaded plates of food much less three over loaded ones. It's a myth that all overweight people eat more than thin people do. A big
fat myth.
The last thing an overweight person needs to hear is that he or she should eat less. Many people who are addicted to eating feel unhappy about that addiction and at least they try to do something about it. As with any addiction, it can be a true and daunting battle
Yes, some people are addicted to food and eat large amounts of food. Some of those people are thin. Some of those people are fat.
This isn't true for all fat people. Some fat people eat normal amounts of normal food and gain weight. Have you ever gone around hungry? I mean painfully hungry? I've known heavy people who did that and still did not lose weight.
Lesson for those who don't already know: When you cut your calories too low, your body thinks you are truly starving. Your body does not want to waste away and die. Your body is built to survive. So guess what happens when you starve? Your body slows everything down so that you can survive longer on the fat you have stored. You reset your metabolism to slow. And
often it never goes back to normal again. Soooo, Aunt Myrtle decides that little Jenny needs to lose that five lbs of "babyfat." Aunt Myrtle then talks mom into starving her on carrot sticks and water. Little Jenny is not only needlessly miserable, she has been set up for easy weight gain for the rest of her life. Maybe Jenny would have been a little round if she'd been left alone. But now she has a very real metabolism problem to deal with thanks to busy body Aunt Myrtle. Moral to this story?
Dieting can make you fat! Eat normal amounts of healthy foods and exercise. Realize that you are an individual and maybe you aren't supposed to look like a skeleton with skin. Maybe you are meant to be zaftig, round, soft, voluptuous. Being who you were meant to be is not a bad thing.