Keep doing this in rememberance of me - How often???

by catchthis 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • outoftheorg

    A GUEST.

    I must say that while I do not see the need for a yearly attempt at acting out the words of jesus, regarding eating his flesh and drinking his blood, in a symbolic way by using wine and unleavened bread.

    I do thank you for your use of language in a non arrogant and demanding way as the wbts and other religions sometime do.

    I hope your beliefs and conduct in life bring you peace and contentment.

    I will walk a different path and maybe God will approve of this.


  • Dogpatch

    #26 Letter From Home

    Leroy Is Anointed

    Dear Randy,

    We have had quite the week here. The circuit servant, Jup Setter and his wife Missey, was here and during his Saturday program, New Things Returned, he talked a lot about the Memorial an seein' as how more publishers mean the end is closer and all, we were all real excited to hear the good news about all the anointed dying cause that means the end is closer too and we won't have to get the washing machine fixed or overhaul the John Deere. Anyways when he is talkin, well, LeRoy he goes in the broom closet in the Kingdom Hall and he finds the Memorial crackers what was left over and he sets about eatin' em. He would have finished off the wine too but me and brother Newley Ben Haad polished it off on the way home right after the meeting was over. Anyhow we all figure that if LeRoy can eat the crackers and likes em, then he must be an anointed. That would explain some of his behavior and why he seems to see things that the rest of us don't see and he hears people talking who we don't hear or see.

    Almos Oover and his buck tooth kid Homer says that they think LeRoy is an anointed because he acts just like Almos' mother who was an anointed since she walked naked around the lake and read the foot-notes in the Truth Bible and understood them and that was right before she started repeating everything everybody said and the hard of hearing people liked it cause it saved them the trouble of asking everybody to repeat what they said.

    Now LeRoy sits in the front row and takes notes that he says are secret and he will only talk to circuit servants and the company servant after the meetings and he pretends to be hearing spirits in the car on the way home so now we can't listen to The Lone Ranger on the radio anymore. Bubba doesn't like it. He used to yell "Hi Yoooo Silverrrr" with the Lone Ranger and slap his leg an pretend he's riding a horse.

    Maw is doing good. There was a big sale at the Econo Mart and she bought eighty gallons of Clorox bleach fer a buck a gallon and she started to use that instead of soap on the laundry. Well, after the second week when we put our shorts on we put our fingers right through em and we pulled them apart and all that was left was the seamed part and the waist band. Made for extra leg crossing and the steps were kinda weird feelin'. Write when you can.


    PS; LeRoy wants to know if there are any anointed out there so he will have someone to talk to when he comes out to see you next month.

    Armageddon Okies!

  • AGuest

    May ythe undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH of Armies, and the peace of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon you and your household, if you so wish it.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • The Leological One
    The Leological One
    Why not say that you're not interested in watching a group of people watch others pass bread and wine around a room? If one was to "keep doing this" as reported in the Bible, then folks should do more than just pass the stuff around.

    I agree with Java; if you can't partake of it, why even show up? If a disciple of Jesus would've been there but not partaking at the last supper, then I could see a precedent being set. otherwise I don't see that it's any big deal to be there or not, though I admit as a nondenominational Christian that I've not partaken a couple times when I felt I was pretty out of how I felt I was supposed to be living.

  • The Leological One
    The Leological One

    Sweet Tee:

    ... they make such a big ta-do about what they'll wear, then sit throught that boring ass discourse for the umpteenth time ... watch the emblems go around - and if someone partook for the first time it was all abuzz in the KH at the next meeting or out in field service.

    If I were to go to a Memorial service, I'd partake and see what they thought (that is, if they didn't pass the emblems too far out of reach around me~!).

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